Chapter Three

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"Mom, Allie. We have to tell you something." Oh god 'we'. "Harry and I.. We have a relationship." Well I had not seen that coming (note the sarcasm). "Oh how great!" My mom said while throwing her hands in the air. Well wasn't she happy. "Cool." I said smiling. This wasn't sarcasm by the way. "Darlings I have to show you something!" My mom said to Ari and Frankie, leaving me and Harry alone in the kitchen. "Well since we didn't really properly met, tell me some things about yourself." I said to him. He told some stuff about his band and family and I told him about college and my bond with Ariana. It was actually pretty nice. While we were in the middle of laughing and talking about weird movies Ariana came walking back in. "Well aren't you liking eachother." She said with a bit of a cheeky smirk. "Harry is a really good guy. You couldn't have chosen a better one little sis." I said. "Awe." She hugged me. "And don't forget he's handsome too." She said into my ear and winked. I chuckled. "Well I can't tell you you're wrong." I answer. "What?" Harry asks. "Nothing." We both say at the same time.

This guy was one of the nicest I've ever met. My sister really knows how to find the good ones. I only found one and it turned out to be an ass. No other words to explain it. He didn't even try to be a gentlemen, unlike him. He was very nice and funny. Maybe we could be friends.

I heard the bell ring, said "dingdong" (It became an habbit since Ari first said it as Cat) and walked over to open it. "Hi!" I said seeing Harry. He had flowers and a film with him, aw how cute. "Hey, is Ariana here?" "No she's actually shopping with my mom but you can come in if you like. I don't bite." He laughed. "When do you expect them back?" He did walk in though. "Well they actually only left half of an hour ago so I think it will take two hours for them to be back home." I saw Harry's face turning into a bit of a sad look. Suddenly he seemed to have an idea. "Why don't we watch a film? Since you're here." I didn't know what to say. Would it be okay to do this? "What film do you have?" "The notebook." He said chuckling a bit. "Well I'm not watching that, we could watch batman?" "Oh well uhm okay then I guess." He sat down while I but the second batman film on.

I was dying of laughter, I had never really laughed during films like this but Harry's comments were genious. When the film ended we watched "That '70s Show" when we found out we both loved that show. "This is so good." I commented. "True I mean like how can you not love this show?" He answered. "I know right!" I heard the door open and the living room was filled with voices (only two but it sounded like ten). "Oh hi babe." Harry said and gave her a small peck on the lips. She looked weird at us. Not mad, just a bit confused. "We just watched a film together because we both had free time." I explained to her. "Those flowers and that film are for you by the way." Harry said to Ariana. "Aww thank you sweethea- wait. Did you guys watch the notebook?" She looked at me like I was crazy. She knew I would never watch stuff like that. "Nooooooo. We actually watched batman." I said. "Oh lol."

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