Chapter Eight

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I heard soft sobs coming from Ariana's room. What was going on!? I decided I had to open the door, she needed somebody. When I opened it I saw her laying under the blankets of her bed crying. "Ariana what happened?" She instantly turned her head towards me. I saw hate in her eyes. Not just hate, she was furious. It was like she burned right through, with just her eyes. "GO AWAY YOU SLUT. THIS IS ALL YOUR FREAKING FAULT." Every word felt like a knife into my body. "Ari-" "Leave. Now." She didn't say it loud but she spit the words out with disgust. I quickly left. I grabbed my phone and texted Harry: "Hey what happened with you and Ari?"  He instantly answered. "I broke up with her... I'm in love with somebody else." I felt a bit of a stumach ache coming up. I've made him clear I'm not in love with him. And if it's not me who could it be?

"Are you okay? What happened?" I walked into my room where Ash was sitting on my bed. "You heard it all didn't you?" He nodded and gave me a reasuring smile. I missed Ariana so much. And suddenly I just started crying. All I wanted to do was scream but all I could do was cry, so I did. I instantly saw Ash was worried. He got up fast a wrapped me into a hug. "Shhh it'll be okay soon." He kissed me forehead and for the first time in my life, I felt loved. Not like in love loved, but you're amazing loved. "I love you Mr. Irwin." I felt him smile a bit against my head. "You're the best friend I've ever had."

Ashton's POV
"I love you Mr. Irwin." My heart just flipped. She just said she loved me! Omg! Is she being serieus like is this even happening? "You're the best friend I've ever had." My heart just flipped the wrong way. Like in a bad way. I'm so stupid. She'll never like me. I'm stuck in the friendzone again and again.

The other one /// A.G. & H.S.Where stories live. Discover now