Chapter Four

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He was a really nice guy. And I was right: we are friend now. I don't know why media reflects him so bad because he is a weird, clumsy and nice guy. Very funny too. It must be pretty hard for him to be the centre of attention. He's staying over tonight and I don't know why but it felt pretty awkward to me. Just that I know he and she are in the same bed makes me feel odd. I know it happens when couples are together and stuff. But I think being with a guy with love involved is already pretty awkward. Relationships are awkward.

I was grabbing some ice tea from the fridge at midnight. Everybody was asleep but I never really slept a lot. When I was 13 years old I just stopped doing it a lot. I only sleep about two or three hours in one night. I don't really know how it happened. It just happened. When I finished drinking my ice tea (I don't drink milk at night like "normal" people) I heard some cracks. I turned around and looked around the room. I did put the lights on because I was afraid of dark. Suddenly a shirtless Harry came walking into the room. I almost let out a small scream because he scared me a lot. But I held myself in. "You scared me." I said, not fully out loud. "I thought so." I heard him chuckle a bit. "So you thought that was funny!?" I scream-whispered. "Sorry." He opened the fridge and grabbed some milk and drank it after putting it in a glass. So he was one of those "normal" people. "So why are you still up?" I asked him. "I could ask you the same." "Well I asked first." He smiled while shaking his head. "I couldn't sleep because there was only one pillow and Ariana took it." "Well that sucks." It seemed like everytime I said something he laughed a bit. Or he thought I was actually funny or he just thought I was really laughable weird. "And you?" "Oh I don't sleep a lot, I only sleep about 2 hours every night." He looked a me with big eyes. "Really?" "No I'm joking." I said with a faked pokerface. "Okay, okay I believe you." It was silent for a minute until Harry talked again. "I'm going to try to get some sleep." "Good night." I answered. "Night."

You would think that this was the moment I would tell you all I'm in love with him, but no I'm not. We were now eating lunch at a local cafe. Since Ariana knew I wasn't in love with Harry she was fine with it. She was actually happy me and Harry became friends. "Tell me something about yourself." Harry said while eating a piece of chicken. "Well.. Euhm. I'm a hopeless romantic." "Don't be a hopeless one." You know those moments when you hear a sentence that really speaks to you and you just stare and think about it. Actually not really knowing what to think, the only thing you know is that you'll never forget it. I had a moment like that. "Write a book please." Harry chuckled. "I'll try." And that's when he gave me a small wink. You'd probably expect me to say i felt something but no. The only thing on my mind was how guys do that, winking. They can do it really fast and casual, just like they do it to everybody. Which they might do.

"I had a great lunch thank you for paying." I chuckled. "You're welcome. I'll bring you home to see Ari too." I could see he was in love, I could see it in his eyes. Ariana was a lucky girl. "Okay." We walked towards his car and drove home in about 10 minutes. Moms car wasn't here. "I don't know if they're home." I walked towards to front door and unlocked it. "Shit." That scared me actually. "What!?" "Paparazzi. Fast, walk inside." I basically ran into the house and Harry laughed at me. "I'm not really fond of media." I said to him. "Me neither."

We now watched a film (yes again) because paparazzi was here. When the film had just finished I looked through the window, no sign of any paparazzi anymore. "The coast is clear." "Good because I'm hungry and my spagetti is waiting in the fridge of my hotel." I laughed. After he mentionted it I actually got hungry too. We walked outside to his car. "Oh my sunglasses are still in the car." I said and he opened the door so I could grab it. When I turned around he was close to me, véry close. And just before his lips landed on mine only one word came into my mind: drama.

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