Chapter Nine

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I heard my phone ring and picked it up fast. "Hi." I said. I always found it stupid to say your name if somebody was calling you. They knew who they were calling so why would you tell them? "Hi it's Harry." I was a bit shocked to hear his voice. I haven't heard it in a month. We only texted. "Oh uhm hey, how are you?" "I'm fine I just.." He sighed and it was silent for a few seconds. "I really need to tell you some stuff." I was wondering what it was about. "Sure... when?" "Maybe in two days? Uhm sunday?" I nodded but then felt so stupid. You can't nod in a phone conversation. "Offcourse at Macy's then?" I come there every sunday to eat lunch and once took Harry. "Sure I'll see you at noon." I sounded pretty serious. I never really thought him as a serious guy but now he was. Weird. "Bye!" "Bye darling." I hung up and really wondered what he was going to say. I didn't want to break his heart.

"Lets watch a movie." I suddenly said to Ashton. We were sitting on my bed doing basically nothing. He has been here for 4 days now and he's leaving on monday. Which really makes me sad. Luckily I have school again the week after so I'll be back at my own place to see him. He lives right down the street with Luke. "Yeah sure but not Batman please. You've watched that like 20 times, including 4 times with me." I laughed. "We could watch a movie from your sister, just for fun." I laughed. He was right, maybe we could. "I'll get one hang on." "Hanging on!" I yelled after me. I laughed again. He always made me laugh. Ariana wasn't home the whole evening and night because she was at a friends' house so I walked straight into her room. The dvd's were standing under her tv. The Notebook, He's just not that into you, bla bla bla. All the romantic movie classics. Dirty dancing! I've seen it before and it was okay so I took that. "Found one!" I said and walked back into my room. "Which one?" Ashton asked while I was already putting the dvd in the dvd player. "It's Dirty Dancing." He looked at me pretty damn confused. "Ashton have you ever watched a girly movie?" I smiled awkwardly. "I watched Mean Girls once with Luke?" It was more of a question than an answer. I laughed. "This is okay movie. It's the best I could find." I sat back on the bed and Ashton put his arm around me. He was only person allowed to do that because he was my bestie. Although I loved hugs I didn't want them from just anybody.

I slowly opened my eyes because of the light shining in my face. I yawned a bit and looked up. I saw Ashton sitting next to me with him arm still wrapped around me. Wait we slept together? (A/N: I do NOT meant sex I meant sleeping, just so you know) He did look adorable sleeping. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled at me. "Good morning beautiful." I giggled. Wait what. I giggled!? "Hello there sleepy head. Come out of this bed and make me some breakfast." I chuckled. "Sure madame."

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