Chapter Six

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"Hey Al, how is it going at home? Having fun? :) xx ash" I sighed looking at my phone. Should I say everything is okay? No, no Ican't do that he's my best friend. "Not at all. Ari took her boyfriend Harry here and he kind of kissed me and Ari kind of got so mad at me she never wants to see me again. And there?" He instantly sended something back. "Woah hang on he kissed YOU!? What a douche. Need some help there? I have free time tomorrow xx"

"No it's okay I'll be fine." "HA very funny. I'll be there at noon xx" I chuckled a bit. I was glad I had him. "Okay expect a big hug ;) xx"

"Totally ready ;p xx"

I heard the bell ring and ran downstairs. When I opened the soor Ashton was standing in front of my with a big smile on his face, like always. I grabbed him into a hug and squeezed him until he probably couldn't breathe. He always called it "The Allie-Hug" because he didn't knew anybody who hugged the way I did. I thought that was cute. 

"Tell me exactly what happened." He said and I told him the whole story. "And you didn't even do anything? Oh my god." He seemed to be pretty shocked. "Jup. He is a nice guy though." "And?" He smirked. Oh god no. "And nothing." "Oh c'mon Allie!" "I forgave him and we still have contact." Ashton chuckled and shaked his head. "And I always thought you were a good girl Allie." "Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught." I winked reffering to one of the songs Ashton wrote with our other friends.

"And how is Ariana?" He was a very good listener. "Well I haven't heard from her after the fight. And she made it clear she wasn't going to contact me." "Hmm." I saw he was thinking. "You must make sure you have a good talk with her soon, very soon." It was a good idea I just hoped she would want to talk. "Yeah, I'll try." "Now lets cheer you up! I got your favorite candy. Nerds." I smiled. "You're the best Ash."

The other one /// A.G. & H.S.Where stories live. Discover now