Chapter 1: Newbie

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(Y/N): your name
(H/C): hair color
(H/L): hair length
(E/C): eye color

                                                              Chapter 1


I stand in the entrance of the school nervously checking my phone for a text from Armin, letting me know he's here. I'm young for a Sophmore only 14, I skipped 8th and 9th.

Armin: I'm next to the apple tree

I sigh before answering: Took you long enough!

I weave through the crowd of teenagers around me to the apple tree. I give a slight smile at the enthusiastically waving coconut head and wave back a little.

I look at the tall blonde beside him "Hey Erwin I didn't think you were gonna wait too, Don't you usually get to school early?"

"Ya I do I just thought it would be nice for you to have a little extra backup finding your way around" Erwin says with a shrug and a small smile.

"Coconut head made you wait with him didn't he." I ask already knowing the answer.

Erwin laughs "yup"

"Hey! You wanted to see her too!" Armin says defensively.

"I did but I knew I would see her in a class or something" he says still grinning.

"Anyway" I say breaking up their little play fight "Erwin I heard your the captain of the football team"

"Who told you that?" Erwin asks surprised.

Armin smiles sheepishly and I laugh "who do you think?"

Erwin chuckles "I should have known" he says ruffling Armin's hair affectionately. Armin bats at his hand.

I laugh a little "you two really do make a cute couple" I say with a smile. Armin's face flushes as red as the apples above us.

"Are you denying our relationship?" Erwin asks with mock horror.

"No! No of course not" Armin responds his eyes widening slightly at the question. Erwin and I laugh.

"Anyway glad your feeling a little more comfortable here already (Y/N)" Erwin says.

I smile a little in thanks for the comment, but a knot of anxiety was still tight in my chest.

"Come on (Y/N), lets go inside. We still have enough time to show you around before first period" Armin says taking Erwin's hand and starting towards the entrance of the school.

I gulp quietly and the knot tightens, I felt like I couldn't breathe. Erwin picks up on my nerves and raises a bushy eyebrow at me.

"Nothin'" I say moving so I'm walking beside Erwin "Let's go explore hell" I say with enough chagrin in my voice to make the others laugh.


Once again, just like every boring day I walk into school, but for once I wasn't stopped by Erwin cause he didn't know how to explain to some cheerleader that he had a boyfriend, the idiot.

I saw Eyebrows standing with his boyfriend Coconut head, talking to some new chick I had never seen before. She was short, shorter than me, around 5'2 with (H/L) (H/C) hair and eyes interesting shade of (E/C) framed in red glasses.

Once I get to my locker I'm stopped by an annoying freshman who has been following me since the school year started. "What do you want Brat?" I ask, annoyed without turning around to look at him.

"Uhm.." the brunette says surprised I had even acknowledged him "I was just wondering when the first fencing practice was" he asks a nervous tone in his voice.

I sigh "Wednesday, the girls have Tuesday" I say closing my locker and turning around with my stuff at my side. I coldly glare at the brat "anything else?"

"Um no.." Eren says slightly confused by my question.

"Good now get lost" I growl shoving past the taller kid, I walk off to my class hoping to avoid talking to other people.

I wonder about the newbie as I sit in my class. I shake my head catching my wandering thoughts 'the hell?' I wonder 'I don't even know who she is..' I sit back in my chair boredly listening to the lecture.




word count: 658

(Probably nobody but ya know)
This is my first work and I had a TON of fun writing it, a couple things I should probably warn you about before I get any farther in the story (if I do)

1. I'm the god dang queen of run on sentences.. I bet you all just left cause I said that but those of you that are still here, hear me out. I like to add a lot of detail to my writings to make it a better immersion experience, and I have a hard time separating out the crap I wrote down so...

2. Spellcheck HATES me, honest to god who does spellcheck like tho? I'll try to read through it a couple of times before posting to try and find any incorrect words or embarrassing typos(God knows there will be at least one).

3. I'm not very good about letting you know there's a time skip sooooo.... pls don't get mad

4. Like I said this is my first writing project so it probably isn't great. so please don't judge to harshly

5. And to all ya nasties out there that want smut and or lemon, sorry most likely not happening it makes me uncomfortable to write.

Vote for more!(I'll continue regardless but it's good to know if you people still want to read it)

ANYWAY I hope you guys can bare with me cause I'm in this for the long haul!
See Y'all later!  

Until the End: Modern(ish) High School LevixReader AUWhere stories live. Discover now