Chapter 7: Planning

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I tune back into the lecture of my final class as the bell rings around my ears. I stand with the others and grab my bag. I get shoved out of the way by an overzealous classmate rushing out of the door. I stumble over my own feet from the shove and feel a hand on my back steadying me. I turn to look at my helper and smile "Thanks Levi"

"No problem just watch where you put your feet next time" he grumbles.

I grin "Careful your kind side is showing" I say before I walk away to my locker.

"Tch whatever, just don't forget to check the bulletin board, the people who made it onto the team and practice times are up." he says following me out and heading off to his locker.

"Oh no it's time to see if I made the team or not!" I say with mock nervousness.

"Tch" Levi says walking away, I can tell he's hiding a smirk and laugh at him.

I go look over the list but don't see my name. I frown and take a picture to send to levi.

I send the picture to him with an attached message that said: "I'm not here ya prankster!"

I wait and soon there is a response from him saying: "Just come to practice anyway I know you made the team and I'll make sure your on the roster for the future"

"Ya sure" I respond. I put my phone away and sit cross legged beside the apple tree. I see Erwin and Armin walking towards Erwin's car, they were deep in conversation. I sigh 'looks like it's a lonely walk home for me then' I think. I start off to head home.




'Damn it Petra' I think as a read the message from (Y/N). Then I get an idea and smirk slightly as I respond: "Just come to practice anyway I know you made the team and I'll make sure your on the roster for the future"

Tiny: "Ya sure"

I let out a small bark of laughter almost hearing her imitate my 'Tch' through that short sarcastic message.

I get into my black challenger and drive home, I'm not in the mood to walk home today. I slowly drive along the road and watch as rain begins to pour down onto my windshield. I sigh with annoyance and turn on my wipers, I look out my side window and notice the slumped figure of (Y/N) making her way home through the rain. I know that there is still around 5 minutes left in her walk and open the window slightly.

"Oi! Tiny!" I call to her.

She jumps slightly at my call and looks around, I smirk 'She responds so readily', she turns to see me driving slowly beside where she was walking "Get in" I call over the thundering rain.

She nods and quickly gets into the car "Thanks" she mumbles.

"No problem" I grumble wincing at the wetness she was leaving on the seat. I ignore it for now, roll up the window and drive off towards the complex.

Without prompting (Y/N) casually starts talking about her day. Once she finishes she prods me into speaking about my own day as well. I talk about my day as I park and grab my umbrella from the back of my car. I walk around to her door and open it, holding the umbrella over her head as she gets out and closes the door.

I finish giving her the basic details of my day then I share my plan for fencing practice and my suspicions with what Petra did.

Once I was done explaining she grins mischievously and agrees to my plan.




Word Count: 604

Hallo my Krazies!

Sorry about all the filler and short chapters I hope you are still enjoying it so far.

I do have something planned but their relationship needs to grow a little more before I can start my plan. Also I have really bad writers block right now, I know that's not a good reason but it can tell you why my chapters have been decreasing in quality.

I hope you've enjoyed! If you have, vote and comment, what do you think Levi's plan is? I am always open to constructive comments!


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