Chapter 2: End of Day One

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I sit in the back corner of the room as far from people as I could be in order to avoid conflict.. hopefully. I silently listen as the teacher drones on and on about why we have to learn history and how it will help us understand the future.

The bell finally rings and I gather my things to walk out of class. 'Finally there goes the last class of my day' I think. I walk out the door keeping my eyes downcast and instantly run into someone.

"Hey! Watch it you idiot" the boy growls turning to look at me.

I look up and adjusted my glasses "sorry" I mumble before turning to walk away from the tall black haired guy in front of me.

"Na it's fine I'm just giving you crap" he says extending a hand "I'm Bertolt"

'One of the players on Erwin's team' I think before shaking his hand "I'm (Y/N)"

"Nice to meet you (Y/N)" Bertolt says with a grin, lowering his hand.

"You too" I mumble placing my arm back around my folders.

"Well see ya around" he says walking away.

"Bye" I say quietly as he goes. I sigh with pent up relief glad that didn't turn out to be a problem. I walk off to my locker to put my things in my bag so I can go home.

"So how was your first day?" Erwin asks as I open my locker and grab my backpack.

"I ran into Bertolt a few minutes ago" I respond putting my books away.

"Literally or figuratively?" He asks jokingly.

"Literally" I sigh.

He gives me a look not expecting that answer then laughs at my inattention. I stick out my tongue at him then shoulder my bag and walk out of school with Erwin trailing behind me.

I snort quietly as I watch the crowd part in front of me because Erwin was guiding me with a hand on my shoulder, 'He's like Moses parting the Red Sea.. How convenient' I think amused.

We stop next to apple tree to wait for Armin "Hey (Y/N) you need a ride?" Erwin asks as we wait.

"My aunt Sasha was gonna pick me up today" I respond "thanks for asking though, I'm sure you'll get a chance some other time" I say with a small laugh, it was a standing joke in my family that my aunt was easily distracted, especially by food.

"Hey you do fencing right?" Erwin asks after waving Armin over.

"Ya I do why?" I respond wondering if I'll get to join a school team instead of just the champion league club.

"We have a fencing team, and the girls have tryouts tomorrow"

"They separate the genders?" I ask wondering why they would to that.

"Only for tryouts it's easier to sort out the people who want to join that way. There are two captains, a girl and a guy, they are usually the best ones on the team for the reason that they can teach the others with more accuracy" Erwin responds with a shrug.

"Oh interesting I'll have to check it out" I respond pretty excited to have something to do after school.

Armin finally walks over and I hear a car honk, It's Sasha. "Wow your slow Armin, anyway see ya guys" I say giving them a small wave heading to the car and getting in.

The guys wave me off then walk away hand in hand to Erwin's car.

I walk out of class only to be assaulted by Petra Ral the female captain of the fencing team. She gives me an affectionate hug that I do not return "hello Petra" I say boredly my mind on other things.

"Hey babe" she says in her annoyingly high pitched voice, I really don't know why I decided to date her.

"What do you want Flame-head I have things to do" I say not in the mood to speak with her right now.

"Can't a girl hug her boyfriend" she pouts letting me go and looking at me, she stretches the word boyfriend annoyingly long.

I sigh "I have to go Petra I'll text you later when I'm not so busy" I say moving around her and walking away.

She watched me go with a little pout on her face. 'Oh ya I'm dating her cause that's what the immature idiots at this high school expect from two team captains from the same sport' I remember annoyed.

I go to my car and drive to my apartment. "This place is a mess" I grumble looking at the specks of dust on the counter next to where I dropped my keys. I instantly get out my cleaning supplies and scour the whole place clean of the filth.

Word count: 761

Welp that's it for this chapter sorry if you don't like all the set up I'm doing my best over here..

I like to go through things step by step and make things seem natural and (as close as I can get) realistic. I really want you guys to feel like you are actually a part of the story and that this it all happening.

Anyway Vote if you liked it and want more and I will continue the story! BYE!!    

Until the End: Modern(ish) High School LevixReader AUWhere stories live. Discover now