Chapter 21: Round Two

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I decided to mess with everyone a bit today as my first day back from practice, I had gotten a new helmet and equipment and came in to practice already ready to go, with my helmet on so no one would recognize me, Levi was in on it cause he had driven me over but it was gonna be fun to mess with the others, especially Petra.

I walk in, my new equipment was all black, the color of a master. As I walked into the gym all eyes turned to me, I bet I would have looked pretty impressive with my clean black pads and helmet and shining clean rapier, if I wasn't so freaking short.

Almost as soon as I walked in Petra was in front of me demanding who I was. I didn't answer instantly and Levi came to save my hide "She's already on the team" He say shortly before shooing off everyone to pair off and spar.

"Oh! Of course darling" Petra purrs her voice sickly sweet and making me cringe behind my mask, she turns back to me "You will be sparing with me" she says glaring, though her pitchy voice kept me from being scared.

I simply nodded and took my place across from her on the mat, she takes her place and we bow politely and take up our stances, the flips down her helmet and I don't miss the flicker of recognition that crosses her features as she sees my strange starting position.

We quickly begin, we only danced for a single round, which she lost.

"Who are you" she hisses angrily ripping off her mask in her frustration.

"Your re-replacement" I growl deeply, I silently curse my stutter but stand my ground.

Her eyes widen "No.. You can't be back!" she squeaks.

I laugh and grin at her through my mask "H-Hey Petra" I say casually waving at her lightly my rapier hanging from my hand.

She growls "What do you mean replacement?" her eyes widen slightly as she comes to an assumption "You will never take my Levi from me" she growls threateningly.

My eyes widen and my face turns red, I was glad she couldn't see my face through the mesh. I snort lightly so feign indifference "I-I mean as the f-female captain" I say forcing a sneer into my voice as I tried to control the redness in my face.

She narrows her eyes at me "You wouldn't dare" she snarls.

"She would, and has" Levi's deep voice comes from my shoulder where he had come to stand, he slings an arm casually around my shoulder and my face turns a light dusted on pink hidden behind the mesh of my helmet.

"But she couldn't have, the team would have had to do a vote" She pouts at him crossing her arms "And I was never around for a vote my dear" she smiles sickly sweet at Levi when she said 'my dear' which made me cringe internally and drape my own arm over Levi's shoulder almost posessively.

Levi doesn't really react but leans towards me slightly to make it easier on my arm but it had had the desired effect on Petra "You mean the rumors are true?" she squeaks her face flushing with anger.

"What rumor?" Levi asks lowly, he hated rumors that involved himself and I squeeze his shoulder gently in comfort.

Her eyes widen slightly like she had taken his question as confirmation of her own question, she sniffles "So you two are together!" she cries.

My face turns beat red under my helmet but I refuse to say anything, I really wanted it to be true so I didn't deny it but I look over at Levi to see his own cheeks had a very faint pink tinge to them that wasn't there before.

"No Petra, we aren't together" he grumbles "And we took a vote last week that as I remember you decided to skip out on."

Petra smiles victoriously at me as he mentions that we weren't together and my heart drops a few feet. Once he mentions the vote her smile turns to a vicious snarl "Everyone gather 'round" She calls angrily.

Until the End: Modern(ish) High School LevixReader AUWhere stories live. Discover now