Chapter 20: Captain

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It's been only about a week since Levi and I started talking again and I have been keeping my eye out for someone Levi would take a liking to. I mean any girl would give her left arm just to go on a date with him and honestly I don't blame them, the guy is gorgeous and it's really not fair. Besides I had to know who had caught his eye, maybe I could pick up a thing or two from them..

I head into my physical therapy appointment and talk with my therapist, asking once again if I was ready to finally go back to fencing practice, I have been practicing a ton alone and even convinced Levi to train with me a couple times, I think it's safe to say that I am getting pretty close to my original skills. Which isn't too bad if I do say so myself.

I left the establishment and got into Erwin's car with a huge grin on my face. Erwin was kind enough to be driving me around today cause my aunt and uncle were out of town for the time being.

"Your allowed to fence again?" Erwin asks raising an eyebrow.

I grin widely and nod enthusiastically "Y-Yup, after d-days of b-begging a-and stutter-stuttering I fin-nally got h-him to c-cave." I explain happily "M-Maybe this s-stutter isn't s-so s-stupid after all"

Erwin chuckles "I guess, but you still promise to be careful right? Just like Armin and I have been saying, Don't work yourself too hard, you'll always get there eventually"

I sigh with long suffering and nod as I get out of the car that was now parked at my apartment building "S-See ya E-Eyeb-brows" I wave as he backs out and drives away.

I see him wave back a bit as he turns away and I head inside, up the stairs, which I had started using to make sure I was getting some extra exercise, and into my apartment.

I look around and scrunch my nose "L-Levi woul-ld dissap-prove" I grumble. I reach behind me to close the door but instead I touch the abs of my foremeantioned neighbor. I blush lightly glad he couldn't see my face from behind me and pull my hand away. I hear him snort.

"You would be correct with that sentence" he sighs looking around the messy apartment. He walks in without another word heading straight for my cleaning supply cupboard.

"W-Well hello t-to you t-too" I laugh finally suppressing my blush and going to help him. I didn't even bother to ask what I should start with, this had become a weekly thing for us to clean together once I had gotten back. At first he reasoned it was because I was still weak from being out so long and Connie and Sasha don't do shit around here, his words not mine, now it's just become sort of a tradition between us. I started dusting the surfaces and corners while he started cleaning the counters along behind me with a bottle of surface cleaner.

Then I swept the hardwood while he vacuumed the few carpets and rugs. Then I scrubbed any dirt found on the walls while he cleaned the bathroom, ick, and we scrubbed the window frames. Then we grabbed the bottle of windex and two rolls of paper towels and moved on to my favorite part, washing the glass.

Until the End: Modern(ish) High School LevixReader AUWhere stories live. Discover now