Chapter 23: Date

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I walked into the cafe early but notice that Levi was already seated, his back was to me so I decide to have a little fun and imitate the waitress from the first time met here.

"Do you want some company?" I ask with a syrupy falsetto.

"I'm waiting for someone" He responds in monotone.

I giggle "Aww the dwarf mad cause he thinks the waitress keeps flirting with him"

He turns around and laughs "Do I know you?" he asks playing along.

I sigh dramatically and take off my glasses "You figured it out yet shorty?" I ask plopping myself down across from him. I throw my glasses back on.

"How do you even remember all of that" he chuckles flagging down a waitress and ordering our drinks, the same ones we each ordered when we first came.

I just laugh and shrug "Maybe cause it made me happy to finally see my childhood friend again"

He snorts softly, then gasps dramatically and puts his hand to his heart "That's all I was to you? I'm hurt" He says with monotone sarcasm.

I tilt my head at him "Whaddya mean that's it?" I question, my heart was beating faster at a thought that had popped into my head. "L-Levi?" I ask tentatively.

"Hm?" Levi asks looking me in the eye. My heart was pounding God I hope I was right.

"I-Is this a date?" I ask softly, nervous for his response.

"Do you want it to be?" He asks taking a sip of his newly served tea.

I can feel my face turn red and I nod my head slowly.

He looks shocked the his face breaks out in the brightest, most incredible smile I have ever seen. His eyes even crinkled in the corners, the smile really reached his eyes for the first time ever, my heart stumbles and I can easily say that it was beautiful.

"I want it to be too" he smiles reaching over and taking my hand that was resting on the table. He was still smiling brightly and I couldn't help but smile in return.

My face was still tomato red when I asked one last question "D-Does that mean we're together?"

He smiles softly and shakes his head no "I won't rush you into a relationship"

His words snapped me out of my shyness and my face gradually returns to its natural color. "Levi I want this" I smile reassuringly at him.

He looks a bit surprised but he smiles "Then yes, we're together." he says sweetly smiling happily.

I grin excitedly, I happily sip on my drink and we begin to chat about anything and everything while both grinning like idiots.




I haven't been happier in my entire life, she actually agreed to be my girlfriend, jez I've been waiting a long time to call her that.

We finally leave the cafe after a few hours and I take her hand in mine as we walk home together, she smiles beautifully at me as she looks up at me from our intertwined hands, I smile back and that only makes her smile grow. We walk in comfortable, happy silence for a time before we finally get to the complex.

Once we get up to her door we look at each other hesitant to let each other go, I look at her lips and we both lean forward a bit. My lips meet hers and I wrap my arms loosely around her waist, and her arms snake tentatively around my neck.

It was a bit sloppy, but what would you expect from a first kiss?




Word count: 579

Hai!!! I finally did it! They're together now! Sorry for making you wait for so long ^^" Sorry it's super short.

I have an announcement! I will be ending this book with 25 chapters. YUp I know, that's pretty soon but I'm starting to lose motivation to write this book and I don't want to have to force myself to write for it, and I think think that this story has reached a respectable length with 25 chapters, there will be plenty of fluff in the last few chapters, so don't worry about it too much!

ANYWHO! I hope you enjoyed, If you did go ahead and drop a vote and a comment!

I love ya my Krazies BAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll see ya next time!

Until the End: Modern(ish) High School LevixReader AUWhere stories live. Discover now