Chapter 3: Tryouts

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"Alright punks looks like you people want to be our new recruits huh" the female captain Petra Ral says to the girls in front of her. Her hands are on her hips and her sword is in her left hand as she evaluates the rookies in front of her.

Her gaze stops on me 'of course I've already been singled out' I think slightly exasperated.

"Glasses" she says looking squarely at me "State your name, age and grade then show us what you've got" she says in her annoying falsetto 'Does she always sound like this?' I wonder cringing inwardly at her voice.

I take a small step forward and give a curt nod "My name is (Y/N), I'm 14, I'm a sophomore and I have been fencing using all three types for 8 years" I state boredly inwardly smirking smugly at the surprised looks on the other's faces.

Petra decided I wasn't worth showing her feelings to and takes up a fighting stance across from me after I had moved to the mat.

I take up my fighting stance as well, I see a flicker in her eyes as she notes my strange stance. She advances and makes a quick jab at my chest which I easily deflect with a flick of my wrist.

Our game had begun.

Petra takes a few more quick jabs at me making small growling noises in frustration as I parry her attacks. 'She's got some speed I'll give her that' I think calmly as I aim and deliver my own jab to her chest moving quickly enough that Petra had a very low chance to parry. There is a small gasp coming from the other rookies as my rapier bends with the connection I made to Petra's chest.

We continue our fight with the outcome eventually leaving me as the victor. As soon as the fight is over I give a polite bow and go back to standing with the others. Everyone looks at me with astonishment, even the seniors looked surprised.

Petra takes off her helmet panting slightly, her hair damp with sweat, she tries to make her heavy breathing unnoticeable to the others and she glares dangerously at me "beginners luck" I hear her quietly mutter.

'I'm no beginner' I think smugly 'and apparently you need to practice losing more often' I take off my helmet and give her an innocent smile. Her scowl deepens and she turns away from me and begins to bark orders at the others.

The tryouts are over and the rookies walk out babbling with each other about whether they would get in or not. They also pepper me with questions like, "How did you manage to beat Petra?" and "Are you really only 14?". I respond with the shortest answers I could as I rush off to watch the rest of the football tryouts so Erwin could take me home.

I sit next to Armin and watch as Erwin drills the new guys in what to do, how to do it, and what happens if you mess up. I laugh a little "He's not letting them catch a break is he" I comment.

Armin laughs with me "Nope, he has had them working nonstop this whole time" he turns to me and asks "so how were the fencing tryouts?"

"Well I was singled out instantly by Petra which resulted in a duel-"

Until the End: Modern(ish) High School LevixReader AUWhere stories live. Discover now