Chapter 24: Rivals

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Today is my first day attending school as Levi's girlfriend, and I couldn't be happier. Honestly I was mostly excited to rub it in Petra's face, especially after all of the stress she had put on Levi and the rest of the team.

I happily put on my uniform and scarf down my breakfast before going out to the front of the complex to see Levi already there waiting for me.

When he sees me he gives me a sweet smile that made my heart ache and I took his hand "Morning Tiny" He says in an endearing tone.

I giggle lightly "Morning Shorty, let's get going to Hell!" I respond with sarcastic enthusiasm. He snorts lightly and laces his fingers with mine and leads me to his car.

We climb in and drive off to school, once we are there he drops me off at the front of the school and goes to park. I sit down in the bench below the cherry blossom tree to wait for him when Erwin and Armin approached me.

"Sooooooooooooo?" the coconut head asks excitedly, I tilt my head in confusion and he sighs "Are you two together yet?" he asks nodding towards Levi as he was walking across the parking lot toward us.

I grin and nod as Levi approaches us, he holds out his hand to me to take to stand up "Are you two harassing my girlfriend?" he huffs giving the gay couple his signature deadpan glare.

Erwin chuckles "You finally got the nerves, congrats you two" Armin nods enthusiastically with agreement.

"Well we have to go, we have a date with our first hour teacher" Armin hums tugging gently on his boyfriend's arm. I stood up beside Levi still holding his hand as I wave them off.

Levi looks at me with a tiny half smile "After you" he says sweetly gesturing for me to lead the way and we walked into school hand in hand.

Even as we just walk through the doors there are students looking at our intertwined hands, I get tense from their judgemental glances and murmuring whispers and Levi feels me tense as my hand squeezes his just a bit more than before and he squeezes my hand comfortingly to tell me that nothing would happen.

I took a deep breath and relaxed a little though the knot of anxiety in my stomach stays tight. All of a sudden we stop in the center of the hallway to see Petra smiling sickly sweet at Levi whom I protectively pull towards me slightly aiming an angry glare towards her. She gets to Levi completely ignoring me and clings onto his arm, the arm which I was holding the hand to.

I feel anger bubbling up in me and I snarl quietly and grab her shoulder with my free hand and tug her roughly away from Levi and stand with my side pressed against his, he momentarily lets go of my hand to sling his arm over my shoulder and I lift my hand to hold his which was dangling over my shoulder.

"Don't. Touch. MY. Boyfriend." I snarl at Petra who had stumbled slightly when I had pulled her away from him.

Her eyes widen before they squint angrily "What?" she asks slowly her voice lower than usual but still nonthreatening high.

"You heard me" I huff and stand just in front of Levi, not letting go of his hand and holding it behind me instead of over my shoulder, I could tell he wanted to get involved and squeezed his hand to tell him no.

Petra turns red with rage and launches herself at me, her arms outstretched to grab me. I have small flashbacks to all of the times I was attacked by Reigner and other bullies and I snarl finally getting angry, once she gets close enough I grab her arm just above the elbow and step forward tripping her and using her momentum to judo flip her over my shoulder.

There was a small crowd gathered around us now and I stepped away from Petra who was getting to her feet to attack me again, I looked down at her with pity in my eyes as she glares murderously up at me from her place on her knees. "I didn't ever want to hurt you Petra" I say calmly "I'm sorry your pettiness brought this upon us both"

The crowd gasps softly fearing for me but I had already turned away and was walking to the office, little did most people know I had been collecting stories from people around the school of what Petra had done to them, and had been making sure to keep proof from every single one, from videos of the instances that got posted to the internet to voice recordings that were hidden in pockets from the exchanges.

I could hear the rustling of Petra's overly expensive clothing as she gets up, I can hear her footsteps as she launches herself towards my back once again and turn to look over my shoulder to see Petra sprawled out on the floor once again and Levi with his arm straight out from his side "Oops" he sighs before turning and taking my hand and we continue to the office where I could get rid of Petra once and for all.

"You sure you want to?" Levi asks as we wait to see the principal.

I sigh "No, I don't want to, but I have to, she's tormented too many people here for too long" We are called to go into the principal's office and we walk in together, finally ready to put a stop to Petra's mean streak.



I really admire how she managed to go to every single person in the school that Petra had ever messed with and methodically and caringly gotten every last piece of information about their experiences with Petra from them. She has this way of putting people at ease, like she knows how every person feels and knows just what to say.

We walk out of the principal's office and I notice her steps are lighter than when we walked in. I take her hand and gently squeeze it in a silent congratulations when I hear the principal's barely restrained furious voice calling for Petra over the loudspeaker, it's about time that old coot reacted properly when it comes to something that happened in this stinking school.

I restrain a chuckle when Y/N throws a sickly sweet smile at Petra as she wobbles by, her face the same shade as ashes. Y/N's smile drops as she sees the obvious intense fear in Petra's face.

"Having regrets?" I ask gently looking at her as we walked side by side.

She shakes her head softly "I hate that I was a part of that kind of fear" she murmurs with a soft sigh looking down at her feet as we walked.

"It was what she needed, she needed to understand that she couldn't keep doing those things and expect to get away with it, if she ever learns her lesson she will thank you for this" I encourage, we turn into our class.

For the rest of the day we are continuously congratulated and thanked and warned by everyone in the school, Y/N often looked nervous with the attention but she copped well. And most importantly, we never saw Petra again.


Word Count: 1244
I won't try to make an excuse for being gone all summer but I'm sorry and the last chapter will be as fluffy as I can make it (I'm not good at fluff but I will try my best) to try to make it up to you all

I'll see you next time my Krazies!

Until the End: Modern(ish) High School LevixReader AUWhere stories live. Discover now