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Hey, I figured this was the safest place to do this atm
I got tagged by four-eyes890
The tag involves:
1. Mention who tagged you
2. Do it in less than 3 days
3. Say ten things about yourself (stay impersonal to stay safe)
4. Tag 28 people
5. Tell a joke
6. Write a spoiler

1. Done

2. Done

-I absolutely love music
-Writing in basically any format helps me clear my mind and understand myself
-I'm 5'11
-I have purple hair
-I look like a lil boi but am not ^^
-I love baggy clothes and fluffy boots
-I'm learning to dance
-I'm learning korean and will be learning mandarin
- I love my big fluffy doggo
- I'm a sleepy bean all the time

4. I do not have that many friends

5. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my life?

6. No

Until the End: Modern(ish) High School LevixReader AUWhere stories live. Discover now