Chapter 10: Unexpected Decisions

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Trigger Warning: here is some sad (possibly depressing) backstory content in this chapter so if you have a tendency to cause yourself any self harm when sad or depressed please proceed with caution.

I wake up to the incessant beeping of my alarm. I grumble as I shut it off and lay on my back staring at the ceiling above me.

There's a knock on my door and I sit up swinging my legs over the edge of my bed "yes Connie I'm awake, go figure out how to wake Sasha from her coma" I call. I hear a chuckle coming from outside my door then footsteps leading away.

I put my glasses on and get dressed, I walk out of my room and see some toast on the counter for me. "Thanks for the food Connie!" I call behind me before taking a bite. I hear a muffled response from their room.

I finish my toast and go to the door "See ya this afternoon!" I call. Sasha walks out nibbling on a potato.

"Bye have fun at school" she says with a grin.

I laugh and walk off towards school.

I stand underneath the apple tree where I usually meet up with Erwin and Armin and a tough looking guy walks over to me looking to pick a fight.

(This is where the sad stuff happens, I understand it isn't so bad compared to somethings but I thought it would be good for me to give a warning)

"Hello" I say kindly hoping he would just leave me alone.

"What are you doing here?" He growls undeterred by my friendly hello.

"I'm waiting for my friends Erwin and Armin" I respond calmly sensing the incoming fight but unwilling to fight back. I could smell the alcohol on his breath from where I stood.

"Why the hell would someone like Erwin care about a nobody like you?" The boy asks kicking my knee making me fall.

"..." his words fell over my ears and a flashback starts....

My father walked out on my mom and I when I was 3 and came back a month later to beg her for forgiveness, it was two days later that my mother gave me up to my father, I was never worth anything to her. One year later my father was watching the news as I was playing with my toys in front of the tv. "Woman killed in a drive by shooting" marches across the bottom of the screen as the news anchor speaks, identifying the victim as none other than my mother. My father looks at me as I sit on the floor giggling at my dolls "your damn luck killed her" he growls to me. He sends me to my room and from that day forward he began to abuse me whenever he got the chance, whether physical or mental. He also came home late at night more often smelling of drugs or alcohol, but always angry.... this continued until only a few months ago when I gained the escape of my aunt and uncle's apartment.

Throughout this flash back I am vaguely aware of my body curling into a ball as the boy continues to kick me and ask rude questions and insult me.

I hear a yelp as a short figure punches the boy hard in the gut sending him wheeling back "What the hell do you think your doing?" The figure growls.

That's when I passed out.

I park in the school parking lot and climb out of my car. I grab my bag and walk towards the school before I get to the doors I hear what sounds like a fight, I thought it was just some idiots being dumb but the longer I listened the more one sided it sounded.

I turn to see Reiner Braun kicking and yelling at a girl curled up by his feet, I wouldn't have been angry except I saw (Y/N)'s red glasses broken beside her.

Without thinking I stride over to Reiner and punch him in the gut sending him back against the school wall. "What the hell do you think your doing?" I growl seething with anger.

"Why do you care?" Reiner growls preparing to charge me.

Before I respond Erwin and Bertolt come up on either side of Reiner and hold him in place. I nod to them and turn to look at (Y/N), Armin was already with her making sure she was ok "she's passed out" he says looking up at me.

I growl and go into the school and explain the situation to Principal Dok.

"Well let's get the girl into the nurses office, she will be fine with some rest." Mr. Dok says "That Reiner boy has caused too much trouble and will be expelled. Does that satisfy you?"

My fists tighten at my sides "Sir I'm afraid you didn't hear me, (Y/N) is passed out with several broken bones in the courtyard of your school" I say in a cold and calm voice "she needs to go to the hospital"

"Alright then" he says, he calls the ambulance and sends me off.

I go and stand next to (Y/N) and Armin "the ambulance is coming" I say

Armin nods and hands me her glasses "can you get these fixed?" He asks tentatively


"They were the first thing she got from her aunt and uncle when she would go there to be safe from her father...... I would like to say this is the first time she has been hurt this badly..." he trails off.

"Sure I'll get them fixed" I respond realizing how much they meant to her.

The ambulance pulls up and takes (Y/N) away and I watch her go, I surprise myself by how much I'm worrying about her safety.

I look down at the crumpled red glasses in my hand.


Word Count: 951

Well there ya go.......


Welp see ya around my Krazies DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE :P

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