Chpt 1: "To the bathroom stalls and beyond"

115 9 6

Anna's P.O.V

I still forget how freaking huge this festival is. It's using a space of 2 square miles and we are standing all the way in the back and now we gotta squeeze ourselves to the front. This is gonna go wrong.

Me, Devin and Jace are waiting for Brad and Ayla to return from their so called 'toilet trip'. It's been 15 minutes and we're starting to get impatient.

"I bet for a burrito that they aren't taking a dump." Jace says.

"Their faces already gave it away when Brad came to tell us they would be back in five minutes, you can't bet on it anymore because it's obvious." Devin replies.

You see the thing with Brad and Ayla is that they are not in a relationship, never been actually, but we all know they have something going on. For some strange reason they keep denying when we ask them about it, like what the hell we know each other for 4 years what is your problem.

"I think we should look for them. This is the perfect chance to bust them." I say with a smirk.

Devin and Jace both look at me for a second before agreeing.

"Well what are we waiting for? To the bathroom stalls and beyond, because they're probably making out behind them."

We force ourselves through the crowd until we reach the stalls. There are only a few people here and it's awfully quiet except from faint, but gross kissing noises and the hushed voices from our friends.

"Ayla I think we should head back, I only gave us 5 minutes." Brad says

"They'll be fine Brad, they can wait." Ayla answers.

Bitch! Yes we can wait, but you've been gone for 15 minutes now that's too long considering you were just going to the bathroom.

Jace signals that we should surround them, so we hide in the bushes.

I think I don't want to know how much they're focused on each other, because they didn't notice us and we were extremely clumsy and made quite some noise. I almost face planted in the mud, Devin broke like 5 branches and Jace didn't even try to be all stealthy, he just bashed through the bushes.

Devin silently counts to three and we all jump up at the same time scaring the living soul out of our friends. Their faces we're amazing. They were looking like the ghosts of their dead grandparents just appeared in front of them with all the itchy sweaters you never wore even though you said you did, ready to beat your ass with a slipper.

"Care to explain why you've been lying" I say in a harsh tone, while we all did our bests to keep our blank expressions.

Brad and Ayla just stared at us without saying a thing, disbelief written all over their faces.

"What? Did you lose your tongues in each others throats?" Devin asks.

We all burst out laughing and for the next 5 minutes, we're laughing like it's the end of the world and Brad and Ayla are just standing there taking in what the hell just happened.

When we were done laughing Ayla finally says something.

"It's not what you think it is." she says quietly.

Again we all burst out laughing. I don't know what I expected them to say but it was certainly not this.

"Yeah sure it's not like we've been suspecting this for the past 4,5 months and you kept awkwardly denying it with scarlet cheeks when we asked you.'' Jace replies.

"H-how did you guys know?" Brad stutters.

"It wasn't hard to notice." I state.

"Like come on, we've known each other for 4 years now and you think you can hide that from us." Devin adds.

"The looks you were giving to the other, the fact you were always sitting next to each other being quite affectionate for friends. You were always going to the bathroom together and returned with swollen lips and that's just to name a few. It was pretty obvious." I say.

They look at each other for a moment and then back at us but they keep quiet.

"You can explain yourselves later, let's get out of here first" Devin says and he starts walking.

"WAIT!" We all turn to look at Jace "How are we going to walk back?"

"What do you mean, we just walk. You know like right foot in front of the left, then left in front of the right and so on." Brad laughs.

"But isn't it weird when you see five people walk from behind the bathroom stalls. I would question it if I would see something like that." Jace explains.

"Then we go one by one." Ayla suggests.

"No, then you just want to get weird looks." Jace says.  

"I don't give a flying potato what the others around here think of us, let's just go." I say and start walking with the others following me.


"I dwell in possibility"

               -Emely Dickinson

The only reason this quote is here is because of her last name. It made me wonder if there is someone walking on this planet with the last name Dickinson, probably sick of all the people who are making fun of his or her last name. Man I feel bad for this potential Mr/Mrs Dick-in-son.

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