Chpt 9: "Even a brick has a higher IQ"

40 8 7

Ayla's P.O.V

That was already the 4th interruption. How hard can it be to leave a fucking festival, like for real, it shouldn't be that hard.

The first time, we all lost each other.

The second time, Jace disappeared.

The third time was when we called Harper.

And the fourth time was when Anna's cousin decided to ruin her day.

The worst thing is, something alike will probably happen again, which means we will get interrupted again, which means the exit is so near, yet so far.

"Ayla?" Brad catches my attention.

He whispers, so I decide to whisper too "What?"

"Did you know Devin's birthday was next week?" He hesitantly asks.

"Really Brad? Now I'm surprised you even remembered mine." I comment.

"Well I had to remember yours." He counters.

"Why is my birthday more important than Devin's?" I asked.

"Well I'm not trying to impress Devin." He explains.

"Were you trying to impress me by remembering my birthday?" I laugh.

"Yes." He says and I give him a glare. "You know I suck at remembering anything." He protests.

"That's true, but you should at least remember your best friends' birthdays." I say.

"I'll try." He nervously laughs.

It stays pleasantly quiet for a while. We are finally making some progress with reaching the exit. No one has something to say and even though there is a lot of noise on the festival it's quiet within our group and I'm actually enjoying it.

We keep walking and we finally went past the third stage, indicating we're halfway there. Maybe this time we do succeed.

My mind wonders to something else until Brad snaps me out of it.

"Isn't euhh isn't that Harper?" He asks the whole group and points in a direction where a familiar face is standing. I celebrated too early.

"What the fuck! Is this girl for real, a wig?" Jace comments.

Now I notice she is indeed wearing a wig or she dyed her hair blonde within 20 minutes but that's basically impossible.

"I'm gonna confront this girl." Devin decides and storms off into Harper's direction.

"Way to go Devin!" I yell after him and we laugh.

We walk closer to Devin and Harper but keep our distance.

Harper seemed to notice Devin and/or us because she tries to casually speed walk away. The keyword is tries, because 1. She horribly fails in trying to mask her desperation to get away from us and 2. Devin's long ass legs easily catch up with her.

"Harper you better answer my questions." Devin growls.

She freezes and slowly turns around. She instantly realizes she shouldn't react to the name Harper and now lamely tries to lie her way out again.

"Who me? I'm not Harper my name isss eeeeuuuhhhh. Jessica!" Harper bluntly lies.

"Harper stop lying because I swear to Satan I'll break my vow to not hit girls." Okay Devin is real pissed now.


"Even a brick has a higher IQ than this cock hungry whore." Anna hisses besides me.

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