Chpt 15: "Well surprise your punching bag hits back"

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About the song, i was listening to it while writing this chapter and I thought it was kind of fitting. Start it whenever you feel like it.


Third Person P.O.V

"I didn't succeed." Harper states defeated.

Michael sighs. "We'll do plan B then."

A phone lights up. The owner picks it up. "They're spotted." He announces "I'll send him their location."

"Good. Where are they though?" Michael asks.

"They're nearing stage 1 so we want to hurry or slow them down."

"Where are those other guys I came with?" Harper asks.

"Spread around the terrain of the exit, ready when we need them." He answers.

Anna's P.O.V

I still can't put my gut feelings at rest. It's getting me kind of anxious. The conversation with Gordon didn't help. I was glad he was doing fine, that means my uncle didn't find out he helped me escape. God knows what will happen when he does. And why does Darren want to talk to me?

Something about Darren's presence is off. I can never quite place it. It could be the fact he's always teasing me but I don't think so. Though it's still weird when he does that. Only my best friends do that, especially Devin.

Nothing completely adds up. There are loose strings everywhere and I don't have enough information to connect them. What if my cousin actually has a brain and is planning something or what if he got help to fool me. What if he tries to hurt my friends in the process and I'm not there to help them.

Ever since I was young I have always questioned what I did to earn so much drama and bad people in my life. I always wanted to know why my parents hated me so much, I want to know why my cousin and uncle see me as an object, a punching bag. Well surprise, your punching bag hits back. I want to know why my grandpa was the only one who cared for me, the only person who felt like family. I want to know why my family went so far to take my happiness away, as far as killing your own father just to make sure misery never leaves my side. What did I do? What is their reason for my pain?

I never succeeded in finding an answer, but they always succeeded in looking at me with genuine hatred filling their eyes. Behind the tough I-don't-give-a-fuck-as-long-as-you-leave-the-people-I-care-about-alone stance there is a girl that does care, a girl who wants to know why people do what they do, a girl with fears and insecurities.


"ANNA, COME DOWN HERE NOW!" The voice I recognize as my father's yells. I was going through my grandpapa's files, but not anymore I guess.

I walk in the living room and I see my mother standing in the kitchen with very sheer clothing. My dad is lying on the couch. Both of them aren't noticing my presence. What the hell he called me, then why isn't he checking if I'm actually here. Normally if I'm not moving in 10 seconds he's upstairs with a slipper.

I clear my throat. "You called me down."

My parents' heads snap in my direction and they narrow their eyes. What did I do, I obeyed their request.

"Yes, get this." My father said throwing a notebook at me. "Be back in 40 minutes."

I sigh and turn around to head up the stairs again but I'm interrupted by a yell

"I TOLD YOU TO GET SOMETHING NOT TO GO TO YOUR ROOM, YOU STUPID SLUT." I hear him scream and my blood starts to heat up.

"I WAS GETTING MONEY YOU FAT CUNT, HOW DO YOU ELSE EXPECT ME TO GET WHAT YOU WANT." I snap back. I learned the art of swearing at a very young age, I'm still young, but I learned how to swear and fight even younger. Not that it is any good but it's there.

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