Chpt 22: "Please don't stab my face, or my chest. Just don't stab me at all."

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Last an possibly the longest chapter of Escaping hell's festival. Don't worry i'll continue in the sequel.

Enjoy! *Evil laugh*


Devin's P.O.V

"WHERE. THE FUCK. IS JACE!" Anna yells with utter frustration.

Guess that's done. I wonder if Anna was actually still stuck in there when he spoke to us.


Jace and I are patiently waiting for Brad and Ayla to return with Anna. Well not patiently. We're already not the most patient people here, but we're also really antsy. Anna just disappeared into thin air and I KNOW it wasn't her intention this time. And this takes forever.

"Okay listen up pals." An unknown voice snaps us out of our thoughts.

"I'm gonna need at least one of you here for another 40 minutes." He snarls. The guy is taller than Jace, but not taller than me. He looks trained but not buff. He has a tanned skin and dark brown hair.

"What. The fuck." Jace states.

He sighs audibly. "I need one of you to refrain from leaving this festival for at least another 40 minutes. I don't care how you do it, just don't leave. I'll even abduct one of you if I have to." He explains harshly, but there's a hint of desperation in his voice.

"Give me one reason why we would do that" I scoff.

"Well we still have your precious Anna." He begins and we freeze. "We can do basically everything with her."

"Then why don't you hold Anna captive for another 40 minutes?" Jace questions with narrowed eyes.

"That girl is an expert in taking back her freedom in almost any situation, it won't take long before she's out of that room if we don't do anything." He answers Jace.

"Listen I'll just take one of you out of sight for long enough later and that's it." He adds.

"Will it ensure Anna's safety?" I ask.

"It will." He sighs.

"Fine, who will you take?" I say and Jace looks at me with disbelief.

"How about the shorty?" The guy suggest and Jace's narrowed eyes shift from me to him. He shouldn't have called him short.

"Mind repeating that?" He spits through gritted teeth.

"Aww shorty doesn't like being called short." He mocks.

"I'm not short and you're maybe five inches taller than me."

"Of course your short shorty." He answers and Jace is clearly holding back punching this guy in the face.

"Can't you just accept the truth? You're a sho-" Before he could finish his sentence, Jace's fist collides with his chin, knocking him backwards in the process.

"We'll do it, but get your arrogant ass out of here." He says.

*End flashback*

I don't know where he took Jace, but I'm pretty sure he didn't force him. He looked pretty intimidated after Jace punched him. Anna doesn't know. We didn't tell her. We thought it was better to keep her out of this one, before her mind explodes from overanalyzing anyone and everything. Jace will be back shortly and then we'll leave and maybe we tell her afterwards.

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