Chpt 13: "We're like the opposite of capybaras"

46 7 13

Ayla's P.O.V

"So that prediction came true." Devin stated the obvious.

"Well in just how many minutes will we bump into Tanner?" I laugh only half joking.

"Let's bet on it." Jace challenges. "The prediction closest to the truth wins and gets something from the prediction farthest from the truth. Whatever the prize will be can be debated later."

"Deal!" We say in union.

"I'm gonna go for 8 minutes." I say.

"12 minutes." Brad bets.

"I don't think we'll encounter him." Jace thinks.

"5 minutes." Anna adds.

"6,5." Devin states with a grin.

"And the timer starts now!" Anna says and starts a timer on her phone.

We walk out of the fair and we're now in the middle of stage 4 and 2. It is packed with people and you barley get through.

"Anna, how are we gonna do this?" Brad asks.

"What! Why do I have to know that?" Anna says.

"Because you're Anna and I don't wanna lose the rest so come up with a strategy or we all die." Brad quickly responds.

"Fine." She sighs and thinks for a little. "We make a line, that way we won't lose each other but it's easier to get through. Devin goes up front, I'll be behind you and I want Brad in the middle. Ayla behind Brad and Jace as last."

"Can we question the order?" Jace asks.

"Ask away and I'll explain, though I'm not gonna chance it." Anna states with confidence.

"Why aren't you up front?" Devin wonders.

"I may be strong but I'm still a girl, people are more likely to move out of the way if it's a guy, especially if that's a wall named Devin." Anna jokes.

"Why me in the middle and why is Jace last?" Brad says.

"You're least likely to lose the rest if you are in the middle and this place is full of perverts, so I figured if I sandwich Ayla and I between three guys our asses will be safe from hands."

Everything falls into place as Anna explains, though Brad isn't happy to be treated like a 7 year old.

"Why do I have to go in the middle?" He pouts.

"Because you're Brad and we're running out of time before the rest of the people around here will leave." Anna counters.

Brad looks at Anna with a this-still-doesn't-explain-shit look.


"Because I'm Brad, that's your argument." He starts.

"You literally pulled the same move on me a minute ago." Anna counters.

Brad keeps quiet but Devin thinks this discussion needs to continue.

"I don't want to be up front." He protests.

"Well you have to." Anna waves him off.

"Why can't you do it?"

"Do I look like the queen?" Anna says and rolls her eyes.

"We don't even have a queen." Devin scoffs.

"Exactly, so people won't move out of the way for me." She states with triumph.

Devin shuts up but gives her a look that says you-don't-actually-think-I'll-leave-it.

Anna recognizes the look and starts explaining again. "If a police officer with a riot shield came towards you, would you move out of the way?" She asks and Devin reluctantly nods. "Think of it this way. I'm the police officer and you're my riot shield." She says with a smile. Devin returns the gesture and nods.

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