Chpt 5: "Wall 1 - Jace 0"

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Jace's P.O.V

While the rest is having their talk about Hunter and his shenanigans, I notice a certain someone disappear behind a stand a few meters away and I'm pretty sure I know him. If he's who I think he is, I will break his nose.

I decided to follow the guy, leaving my friends behind without letting them know I'm going. Bad choice.

I follow him but keep my distance so he doesn't notice.

He turns a corner and I get a glimpse of his face.

It's him. It's Scott.

Scott is the ex-boyfriend of my current girlfriend Rose. The reason I want and going to break his nose is because he's the biggest dickwad on earth.

When I met Rose she was in a depression and the reason she fell in that depression was Scott with his selfish ass. She told me the entire story after we got together and my blood was boiling by the end of it. Turned out Scott always treated her pretty bad but would apologize short after with just a lame "I'm sorry Rose." And Rose being incapable of holding a grudge and the forgiving person she is, kept giving him second chances. Eventually he stopped apologizing and he got even worse than he already was and began hurting her physically. He blamed her for everything. This went on for a month while only getting worse and then she found him cheating on her. He said it was "payback" and told her to leave.

She knew he was being a huge dick, but she still blamed herself and fell into depression.

She got out of it a month before we got together. I promised I would make him pay for what he did and now is my chance.

I continue following him until he stops to look at his phone.

I wanted to approach him but I'm interrupted by my phone. I pull it out of my bag and see I got a message from Anna. This ought to be good.

LaddestLadgirl – 21:35: Jace, I swear to god you better get your ass back at this godforsaken stand or I'm coming to get you.

I laugh at her text. It's always funny to see Anna flip when you could be in potential danger and she knows nothing about where you are. She might come across rude but she's actually just worried.

You – 21:36: I'll be back soon. Need to take care of something, just eat a burrito in the meantime.

LaddestLadgirl – 21:36: It better be important.

You – 21:36: It is. See you in 15.

15 minutes should be enough to make him pay for what he did.

I lower my voice. "Scott."

He turns around to look at me. It stays quiet for a few seconds.

"Jace, what do you want?"

"Well I actually want you 6 feet under, but the law doesn't, so I'll just beat you up."

"And why do you want that?" He asks while narrowing his eyes at me.

"Because you ruined the life of someone I care about and didn't face any consequences yet." I answer through gritted teeth.

"And you're here to make sure I face consequences?"

"Well duh." I say

He rolls his eyes. "Well what do you have in store for me?"

"This." I raise my foot and kick him in the stomach.

He falls over and takes a second to catch his breath before he looks up to me.

"You little bitch." He spits. In a split second he charges at me. I step aside to dodge his punch. Then I grab his arm and throw him towards the wall.

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