Chpt 17: "And i'm almost impressed. Almost."

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Last chapter wasn't as long as I wanted it to be, but his one is about 3 times the size of the previous one, so, enjoy!


Anna's P.O.V

I swear to god I don't know what is wrong with either us or the festival. We just randomly lost each other again. How. Is. That. Possible. It shouldn't even be possible right? Well in this godforsaken place it is.

I look around the crowd but I don't spot anyone of my friends. I do see that guy who was bugging Ayla earlier walking around. He looks troubled. Not in a –what-the-hell-did-I-just-saw kind of way, but more in an I'm-feeling-so-uncomfortable-holy-shit way.

Well he's not around Ayla anymore, so let's focus on getting back together with the rest.

I look through my bag to find my phone, but I can't find it anywhere. I've checked everything. Where the fuck is it?

Oh no.

Don't tell me I fricking lost my phone.

I internally sigh and immediately go through my options. I can try to find the rest around here, but my chances to find them aren't very high. I can also try to find my phone, but it's not like that option will grant me high chances of success.

I can't just leave and wait for the rest outside either, because I'm sure they'll wait for me. I'm gonna see if I can find my phone real quick and if I can't, I'll look for my friends.

I walk back and scan the ground and crowd for any signs of my phone or my friends. Too bad I spot none, or at least I thought I did.

Last minute I see someone talking to their phone, while holding another phone. Because of the distance I barely manage to make out the color of the phone case, but it looks turquoise, just like my BMO case.

I approach the man, but I don't get to him early enough and he starts to leave. I decide to follow him, too bad that's easier said than done when you have to bash your way through the crowd.

When I'm about 15 feet away from him, someone taps my shoulder.

I turn around and look at him. I give him a questioning glance as if to silently ask him why he wanted my attention.

"I you seemed a bit stressed." He tells me. "Are you the girl who lost her phone?"

"Yeah, how did you know?" I wonder.

"I saw you dropped It. I wanted to pick it up for you but another guy beat me to it. He said he knew you and that he was going to return it to you, but I'm guessing he didn't." He informs me with a sorry smile.

"Fuck." I mutter under my breath.

"You're Anna right?" He asks and I give him a skeptical look.

"I take that as a yes, he told me to confirm that he actually knew you."

"He probably doesn't know me, because I don't know him. I think he just heard of me." I reply and narrow my eyes in the direction he escaped.

"I assume you'll want to chase after him, sorry for not being of any help." He states apologetic.

"It's not your fault." I reassure him. "Thanks anyways, I'll be off."

"Bye." He smiles.

"Bye." I reply and walk away. He was sorta, really nice, but I need to find my phone.

I follow the path of the guy who probably still has my phone but it's tough when you have to make your way through thousands of people.

I'm not super short, but there are a lot of taller people here and it's still crowded as fuck. I'm maybe a quarter of an inch shorter than Jace. Ayla is a mere three inches taller than us. Brad and Devin are the tallest of us five, I don't know who is taller though. I make a mental note to check that once were out of here.

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