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This the song Anna refers to later in the chapter 



Devin's P.O.V

"We should start walking again, if you lose the rest just text and we'll meet up again." Anna says.

"You already gave up trying to stay together, Anna." Brad laughs.

"Sort of. I just know it's going to happen again and I'm not gonna treat you like kids from kindergarten." She explains.

"Thanks for the trust." Brad replies.

"You're welcome." Anna playfully answers.

Brad sighs. "Whatever, let's get going."

We start walking and after some time I get some texts from my brothers.

I have two younger twin brothers and a younger sister. My parents decided to give everyone a kind of strange name except my sister. Her name is Ashley. As for me and my brothers, my parents decide to take normal names like Kevin, Justin and Rodger but changed the first letter to a D. Yes my brothers are named Dustin and Dodger. They look a lot like me, same brown hair, almost the same face, same build etc. The biggest differences are that I'm taller and I have green eyes while they have brown ones.

Their messages were totally random and I didn't get it at first.

JustinWithaD – 21:57: Your girlfriend has been lying to you.

RodgerWithaD – 21:57: It wouldn't make much of a difference if she told the truth but still.

You – 21:57: What the hell do you mean?

RodgerWithaD – 21:57: Well you said she said she wouldn't go to the festival but turns out she did go.

JustinWithaD – 21:58: It wouldn't make much of a difference because she wouldn't join you and your friends.

He's right we wouldn't let her because this is our 4 year friendship anniversary. It sounds lame I know, but it was a good excuse to do something with just the five of us and we thought it was fun.

You – 21:58: I'll confront her next time I see her. Thanks for telling.

JustinWithaD – 21:58: No problem man.

RodgerWithaD – 21:58: Here's evidence in case she denies.

His text was followed by a picture of my girlfriend stepping out of her car at the parking lot of the festival. There were other people with her but I couldn't make out their faces.

You – 21:59: How did you guys get this?

RodgerWithaD – 21:59: That's not important.

You – 21:59: Whatever.

If they don't want to tell, I won't push them. I am going to tell my friends though.

"Hey guess what my brothers found out." I say

"What?" Brad asks

"Well turns out Harper [My girlfriend] actually is attending this festival." I say with a salty tone.

"What, how do you know, she told you she wasn't going." Jace says confused.

"Well my brothers found a picture of her leaving her car at the parking lot of this festival." I reply.

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