Chpt 3: "Aaannd they're gone"

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Anna's P.O.V

The only thing we need to do is walk to the exit and stay together. The exit is visible from almost anywhere. Devin is tall, I have faith in Jace,  Ayla has a very loud and signature scream and Brad knows he's low key hopeless so he'll probably stick with someone else. So I should be able to easily find them if I were to lose them and I can always call or text them.

Besides leaving a festival can't be that hard ri- I cut off my train of thought when I stopped noticing the presence of my friends. I look around me to see if they're still here, aaannd they're gone. Well whoop-di-fucking-doo.

5 minutes.

We can't even stay together for 5 freaking minutes.

I searched the crowd for familiar people. I saw a few familiar faces, too bad they did not belong to my friends. The people I saw and recognized were my cousin and his friends. To say I don't have a strong bond with my family is an understatement. This guy is the definition of a perverted creep. 

Oh well I just walk out of his sight and then call my friends to know where the hell they disappeared to. I mean what are the odds he notices me out of the hunderds of people around me. Shit. He's looking in my direction.

Please don't notice me.

Just don't.

Crap, he's walking towards me.

I start walking away until I heard a familiar voice say: "Great to see you again Anna." Just hearing his voice sends chills down my spine. I turn around to look at my cousin and his creepy friends and narrow my eyes at them. "Unfortunately I cannot say the same" I say.

"In a grumpy mood as always." He chuckles.

"I was in a rather good mood before my friends were gone and you appeared" I snap.

I look at the group of guys standing in front of me and notice they're all staring at me. Not at my face though. They're staring at very particular parts of my body. I clear my throat "Mind your gazes please."

Just when I'm about to walk away he grabs my wrist, stops me and turns me around again. "What?" Is say, getting angrier every extra second I spend in his presence.

"Where do you think you're going?" He says trying to be all seductive but he knows that won't work on me, but on the other hand he has the brain of a goldfish so maybe he doesn't know.

"Away from you, duh." I simply reply.

He forcefully rolls his eyes. "Roll your eyes again, maybe you find a brain back there" I snap at him.

"Whatever you're coming with me." He states

"Like hell I am. I'm actually surprised you want to try this again because we all know what happened last time." I say and suddenly his so called "friends" are nowhere to be seen.

Last time I saw them was when I was walking home from my martial arts classes, because I do that, and when I'm walking back I always pass these abandoned houses. One day my cousin and his friends were there too. They tried to drag me in one of the houses and do god knows what with me but that plan backfired, because I kicked them in the nuts and guts and broke my cousin's nose, Unintentionally might I add. I got in some trouble later for doing that but I didn't give a shit. He asked for it.

"This is actually revenge for last time darling." He says.

"Don't darling me you creep." I respond

"I'll do what I want." He spits. "Now take this!"

He throws me in a direction where his friends are supposed to be standing, but he has cowards as friends so they're not there.

"Where the fuck did they go?" He says more to himself then to me.

"Seems like I'll have to do this on my own then." He adds before throwing a punch towards me.

I doge his retarded punch and get behind him. I kick him on his lower back making him fall over.  And this is where I take off running, not wanting to spend more time with him I already had to.

I quickly look around and see my cousin covered in mud scolding his friends for leaving him and I mentally high-five myself.

Now that that is out of the way I need to find my friends before they get themselves into trouble. As I'm pulling out my phone to call Jace, I get a message from Brad.

Ur6ft7yearold - 20:52: Okay where the fuck did everyone go?

You – 20:52: That's my line, but Brad you're alone?

Ur6ft7yearold – 20:53: Yup.

You – 20:53: Well fuck.

KevinWithaD – 20:53: Jace and I are at the Burrito stand near the main stage. Don't know where Ayla is tho.

Ur6ft7yearold - 20:54: She better respond then.

UrfavBurrito - 20:54: She's not in the group anymore.

You – 20:54: She left when we started spamming you guys about our suspicions earlier this week.

Ur6ft7yearold – 20:54: Well why haven't you added her yet?

You – 20:54: Cuz only Jace has the power to do so ,but he has been ignoring my requests the entire week. Dammit Jace just add her to the group already!

UrfavBurrito – 20:55: Fine.

UrfavBurrito added BitchI'mfab to the group

You – 20:55: Ey bitch, where you at?

And now we wait for a response. Last time it took her one hour.

BitchI'mfab – 20:59: No freaking idea ,but I'll make my way to the burrito stand and I'll see you guys there. BTW Brad you know where that stand is right.

Wow 4 minutes that's pretty fast Ayla.

Ur6ft7yearold – 21:00: eeuhh sort of.

BitchI'mfab – 21:00: Oh god, well if you get lost just call Devin.

KevinWithaD – 21:01: Why me?

BitchI'mfab – 21:01: Because you're the only one that didn't experience the struggle of guiding Brad over the phone. It's your turn now.

Ur6ft7yearold – 21:02: Thanks for the trust guys.

You – 21:02: You're welcome dear friend.

Ur6ft7yearold – 21:02: Can you stop taking that so serious.

You – 21:02: Never!

Satisfied with an annoyed Brad I start walking towards the stand.


"Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes."

           -Jim Carrey

Just for clarity: 

Ur6ft7yearold is Brad.

KevinWithaD is Devin.

BitchI'mfab is Ayla.

UrfavBurrito is Jace.

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