Chpt 10: "Tell him I said fuck you"

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  Third person P.O.V

"Why would you do that?" The main Dickwad growled.

"I panicked okay." Harper defends.

"Well next time you panic make sure you have some solid lies, remember you need to get him back." He answers in a disapproving tone.

"Why do you need me to get him back anyway?" Harper asks.

"If you get him back it will be easier for us to capture him, then we'll make sure to notify Anna about it and she'll come to get him and then we can get her." Another Dickwad answers.

"What if I can't get him back?" Harper wonders.

"Then we'll bring out the big guns, well not really big, just guns." The main Dickwad says with an evil expression.

"What if the security sees?"

"They won't do anything since my dad runs this festival." He explains.

Devin's P.O.V

We kept walking in this awkward tense silence until Jace decides to break it.

"Nice roast back there." He compliments.

I humorlessly chuckle. "Thanks, she deserved it."

"Was she like this when you guys first met?" Ayla asks.

"Not at all, otherwise I wouldn't have fallen for her." I say. "It stayed that way until a month ago."

"Am I the only one who has a feeling Harper and/or my cousin are planning something?" Anna wonders.

"Sorry, but you are." Brad laughs.

"You need to stop worrying your ass off Anna." Jace says.

"Well it's not like I can help it. I just can't get the thought of one of you getting hurt out of my mind, especially not if that would be on my behalf." She quietly explains.

"How would that be on your behalf?" I ask.

"Well my cousin is after me and if he teams with Harper to get me and hurts anyone of you in the process, it'll be because of me. If I never started beef with my cousin he would never been after me and he would never hurt one of you." Anna says.

"You always have an answer don't you." Jace says.

"Of course. In the nine years you put up with me have you ever not had an answer from me?" She replies with a challenging tone.

"Now that I think about it, no I never not had an answer from you." Jace answers. "Except form the time you were ignoring me."

"Okay almost always." Anna gives in.

"But why do you have that feeling." Ayla asks.

"Well first off my cousin encountered me two times already, saying 'I'm coming with him'. Second Harper is with them and she is with a few other guys. Third the last time I saw them they were busily talking to each other. Fourth I just don't trust them. Fifth his father is a man with quite some power." Anna explains her gut feeling.

It stays quiet while Anna seems to be calculating something. She always thinks her gut feelings through, she's good at it though, she's smart.

"Fuck, it better not." She suddenly breaks the silence, talking more to herself then to us.

"Ayla can you open the website of the festival please."

"Sure. What do you want me to look for?"

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