Chpt 2: "Some random hobo on the way"

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Ayla's P.O.V

I'm still taking in what just happened. I was just simply making out with Brad and out of freaking nowhere they popped up. Now I'm wondering how long we've been away that Anna decided to look for us.

I'm sure it was Anna who wanted to get us because the boys are too lazy to do that even though Anna has a lot more patience than them. Normally they just wait till the person returns or until someone decides to take action.

"Ayla!" I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a Brad demanding my attention.


"Our lips weren't that swollen right?"

Really Brad you're asking me this now?

"No they weren't, but Anna notices the slightest shift in your behavior or the smallest change on your face." I reply kind of salty.

We really tried our bests to hide what was going on between us and yes, we could also do what we wanted to do outside school when we were alone, but what's the fun in that. Now that I think about it, we weren't that obvious at all, actually we were pretty stealthy. What the hell Anna with your "It wasn't hard to notice".

"Aww, why the grumpy face girl." Again I'm snapped out of my thoughts but this time it's the voice of Anna that does the trick.

"Our lips weren't that swollen" I say with a slightly angry tone.

"I never said how swollen your lips were, I just said I noticed." She calmly replies.

"How did you know we kissed each other and not anyone else?" I ask still a bit salty.

"Well the both of you had that lip issue, returned at the same time and had the same smile plastered on your faces." Anna laughs. "And it's not like you just go to the bathroom and make out with some random hobo on the way."

I laughed at her before saying: "I thought you were seriously mad back there until you guys started laughing."

Anna laughs. "That explains your expression."

"I know Devin said you could explain yourself after we get out of here, but I'm really curious why you denied that you two had something going on."

We didn't tell them because I thought it was extremely awkward to just slap the fact of me and Brad being together on the table. I mean how do you bring that up? The first time Anna asked me about me and Brad I denied because I didn't want her to feel left out. Devin and Jace already had girlfriends before Brad and I got something and they're often sitting with and joining us in our bullshit. I didn't want her to feel like she's the seventh wheel so I denied, I later told Brad to do the same and he agreed.

"Well it was kind of for your sake." I answer truthfully.

"What?" She says with confusion. "I don't understand."

"We didn't want you to feel like you were the seventh wheel." I explain.

She starts laughing and now I'm the one with a confused expression. I seriously never seem to understand this girl.

"I won't be the seventh wheel, it's not like I can't get your attention anymore and I'm not one to get jealous. It's kind of stupid to hide your own relationship because you're scared another will feel left out. Especially if that other is me. If I want somebodies attention then I'll make sure I will get their attention and you know that." Anna states.

"So you don't mind at all?"

"Of course not. I'm happy for you". She answers with a genuine smile.

"Really?" I ask, disbelief present in my voice.

"Yeah, I wouldn't be a friend if I disapproved on your relation just because I'm not in one. I just hope Brad knows what the risks of dating my best friend are." Anna says in a serious tone.

"He breaks my heart, you break his nose." I laugh.

"Exactly." She says with an evil smirk.

This is what I love about Anna, she's that protective, caring and motherly friend while she can still act her age and be reckless.

"Ayla, Anna help us decide" Devin calls out to us.

We walk over to the boys and they're bending over a map.

"We have two options" Devin says. "1: We walk through the crowd straight to the exit or 2: walk along the sides and behind a few stages avoiding most of the people."

"Well I don't want to walk forever along the sides with the risk of getting caught by the stage guards, so I would just bash through the crowd" I say.

"I agree" Anna says.

"Looks like we're going to annoy a bunch of people" Jace replies.

"We need to make sure we stick together because no one can leave if we're not all out of here and I don't want to look everywhere for you guys". Anna says.

"Come on we aren't seven anymore" Brad replies with a mocking tone.

"No we're not, but you have the coordination of a toddler Brad"

"Touché Anna"

We all burst out laughing and start heading for the exit. Is it even possible for this to NOT go wrong, because I don't think so.


"I would rather be a little nobody, then an evil somebody"

- Abraham Lincoln

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