Chpt 7: "You're about as useful as a white crayon"

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Anna's P.O.V

I still can't believe what the hell just happened. I was expecting a dirty move from Harper because like I said that girl is shady as fuck, but why was she with my cousin. I've never seen them together before but then again I don't see my cousin or the rest of my family often.

I know Devin doesn't like the fact that he and Harper broke up, but she was being a bitch and Devin deserves better. Maybe they didn't broke up officially, but we decided he has to break up and I don't think Harper thinks she's still in a relationship with him.

Relationships are so complicated I'm glad I'm a #singlepringle.

It was really fun watching Harper freak out when Devin called her, but she made my blood boil when she lied so bluntly to Devin, like what the fuck 'I see the couch now'. I feel bad for Devin though, he really liked her.

I still want to know why Harper was with bastard I call my cousin and who the people in the car are. I have a feeling she's planning something and I don't like it.

I subconsciously step closer to my friends like my mind already wants to protect them. I'm probably overthinking this already, but I can't help but think what if she IS planning something. I mean she is already teaming with The Dickwads (This is how I'm gonna refer to my cousin and his friends) and with a few other guys. Or she's a major slut, or she's planning something. Maybe both, probably both.

"Hey Anna." Jace's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.


"Did you know that Harper knows your cousin?" he asks.

"No." I answer honestly. "I'm really curious how she and The Dickwads met."

"The Dickwads?"

"New way to address my cousin and his friends." I explain.

Jace laughs. "I like it."

"I can't agree." A deep voice says. It sounds familiar.

Jace and I stop to look at the source of the voice and come to stand face to face with The Dickwads.

Speaking of the fucking devil.

"Can't agree with what?" Brad spits who clearly already caught up with the situation. He took a protective stand before Ayla and I smile at the sight.

"We can't agree we like the new way Anna addresses us." My cousin explains with his typical smirk plastered on his face.

"Well not my problem, the only reason I'm not gone is because I want to know why you were with Harper." I snap at The Dickwads.

"Oh do you mean that brown haired girl, we just met her." A dickwad lies.

"Clearly I'm not getting an honest answer." I state

"What do you want?" Ayla asks in a warning tone.

"Not much." My cousin replies while glaring at me.

"You're not getting anything." Devin growls.

I'm getting sick of this shit already. "Well I'm just going to walk past you, because you're about as useful as a white crayon." I say and I start walking past them with the rest following me.

I just ignore them but I notice Devin and Jace giving them deadly glares and Brad still has his protectiveness over Ayla. I make sure to walk behind my friends so The Dickwads can't try anything before facing me.

Just when I thought I escaped another encounter with the living reminder of my past, someone gets an iron grip on my wrist. I turn around to see my cousin doesn't want me to go just yet.

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