Chpt 4: "This is the end of my nose"

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Ayla's P.O.V

Pro tip: Don't walk through a group of people who surround something. I just did that and I can still feel the angry glares on my back. I'm nearing the stand where we are supposed to meet, when I see an even larger group of people surrounding something. Great now I have to walk past them because I learned my lesson.

I look at my phone and see that it's already 21:20. Geeze I've been walking for 18 minutes now, this place sure is enormous. I'm close though. Right now I'm walking beside the main stage. I just need to walk forward turn left walk a bit and I'm there.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a deep voice saying "What are you doing here alone?"

I stay silent. He really caught me off guard. "Ha, like you're ever on guard" I mock myself.

"Oh well, makes it easier for me." He finishes.

He creeps me out already.

Suddenly I'm aware of the fact he has me cornered. At my left is the main stage, behind me is a river and at my right is the very solid crowd of people surrounding something that sounds like a dace battle. Crap.

Suddenly my phone lights up.

LaddestLadgirl – 21:22: Girl where are you? Even Brad's already here.

You – 21:22: I'm kind of cornered at the right side of the main stage. Could use some help.

LaddestLadgirl – 21:22: Coming.

Now I just need to stall this guy till Anna arrives to save the day once again.

"What do you want?" I ask trying to be all intimidating even though he is the one intimidating me.

"Oh so you can talk?" he says with an amused expression.

"No shit Sherlock" I sass.

"Feisty I like it"

I scoff loudly before repeating my question "What do you want?"

"Well your ex asked me to avenge him in any way I liked and I know a few ways to do that" He answers with obvious lust in his eyes. I do not like where this is going.

"Why did he ask somebody to do that? Is he too much of a coward to do it himself?"

"Don't talk shit like that darling, you'll regret it" He warns while failing in hiding his anger.

Why is he angry? My ex cheated on me not vice versa. I didn't do anything wrong.

"Why are you mad, He's the one who cheated on me, not the other way around. God you're just as crazy as he is." I say getting angry myself.

Suddenly he slaps me across the face. That escalated quickly.

"What the fuck!" I yell.

"I told you you'd regret it" He says with an evil look in his eyes.

"Well I think it's time to get it over with." He states while drawing back his fist.

"You know you risk facing the wrath of my friends by punching me." I warn him.

He simply chuckles before everything enters slow-motion and his fist starts moving towards my face.

"This is the end of my nose." I think to myself until I see a very familiar combat boot appear beside the guy. It kicks him into the wall of the stage, revealing a black haired girl I recognize as Anna.

Perfect timing friend.

My friends and I tend to get in a lot of trouble and they saved me enough times to know I'm always frozen in these situations.

Anna kicks him in the nuts, throws me over her shoulder and takes off running.

After she puts a distance between us and whoever the fuck he was, she puts me down.

"Who the fuck was that?" She asks.

"Honestly I have no idea. He said Hunter [My Ex] asked him to avenge him or something I don't know" I answer.

Anna starts laughing "Avenge him for what? You didn't do anything wrong."

"I told him and said he was just as crazy as Hunter, then he got all mad and slapped me." I say a bit too calm if you ask me.

"I'm glad I kicked him twice" Anna responds just as calm.

We arrived at the stand acting like nothing happened and we earn some very confused looks from the guys.

"Where were you? Why did Anna suddenly run away? Why is your cheek red? Why did you take so long? What happen-"

"Calm down Brad." I cut him off.

"Still what the hell happened?" Brad asks.

"Well there was this huge crowd of people surrounding a dance battle or something so I decided to walk around them. Next thing I knew I was cornered by this creepy guy saying Hunter asked him to avenge him or something. I was asking him why and stuff. I later said he was just as crazy as Hunter is and then he got all mad and slapped me. Anna texted me earlier to ask where I was and I said that I was cornered and that I could use some help. After he slapped me he wanted to punch me, but Anna kicked him, grabbed me and ran away."

"Thanks for saving me by the way." I quickly add.

"Anytime lad." She responds with a smile.

"The next time we see Hunter he's dead." Devin growls.

"That guy is always dead the next time we see him." Anna laughs. "The problem is that we never see him."

"Then we'll look for him." Brad responds. "It can't be that hard, right?"

"I thought the same thing about staying together as a group, but I lost you guys within 5 minutes." Anna says with a scowl on her face. "We'll go after that fucktard if he causes more trouble."


"Just leave it for now Brad" I cut him off.

"Hey do you guys know where Jace went." Devin blurts out.

We look around and Jace is nowhere to be found.

"GOD DAMMIT" A very frustrated Anna yells. "I just want to get out of here." She sighs.

She pulls out her phone, presumably to text Jace. When she puts her phone back in her bag, my phone lights up.

LaddestLadgirl – 21:35: Jace, I swear to god you better get your ass back at this godforsaken stand or I'm coming to get you.

I laugh. When Anna gets frustrated, she's really antsy and hurries everything, especially when her friends could be in danger. That results in things like her sending that message to me instead of Jace.

I push my phone in her face and say: "Frustrated much?"

"Shut up." She mumbles while correcting her mistake and we laugh.


"We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone." 

    -Ronald Reagan

  Again just for clarity

LaddestLadgirl is Anna

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