Chpt 19: "Like 5 idiots stumbling away in a high speed"

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Brad's P.O.V

Anna doesn't do shit as the two men approach her, except for holding one of their friends captive with the most innocent smile I've ever seen of her. I notice a very tense and nervous Ayla beside me and honestly I get it, because Anna isn't moving an inch and there are two men with KNIVES LESS THEN 7 FEET AWAY FROM HER.

Everyone is glued to their spot and we all watch one of our best friends who's mostly the first one to react to danger, sit still even though she's about to get stabbed!

Before any of us can even start moving to help her, a loud, high scream erupts across the fields, followed by almost complete silence. We stare with wide eyes to the backs of the knife men.

I hear Jace and Devin mutter a quiet "no" and Ayla is trembling beside me.

"Did......did we kill-" is heard from the distance but it gets interrupted.

"No. I don't think so." the other one interrupts and they both bend over.

"We should get back in." He says. "Put pressure on the wound I don't want to come back with a dead body."

They pick up Anna's body and probably the one of their friend as well and start walking back towards the door. I catch a glimpse of one of their faces and their expression is a mix of regret and anger. All of us are frozen as we watch Anna's bag covered in blood lay on the ground as the last reminder that she's really in the hands of her cousin now.

She was supposed to drive us all home, probably with a smug smile on her face while we discuss something useless again. Now all we have is her bag and I don't even know if they took her important belongings.

Jace is the first to advance to her bag, with Devin being the first to follow him.

Devin searches the bag and we're all standing behind him.

"Did they take anything?" Ayla whispers.

"No." Devin sighs and clenches his fist. "Just her."

"Wh-what do we do now?" Ayla asks.

"Report to the police?" I suggest.

Jace narrows his eyes at the monitoring building. "We can try but her uncle has connections there so they'll let it slide. Gordon is under high supervision after the last escape trick Anna pulled and we know from her stories there'll be more company then just her uncle and cousin. There's no way she gets out of there on her own."

"Do we know where the Preston mansion is?"

"If they haven't moved, yes." Devin confirms.

"But what do we do first, do we take her car?" Ayla asks desperate and I can tell she's refraining herself from letting out a tear.

I don't blame her, it sucks when the anchor you used to rely on in these situations is the one that has been taken away.

"I-I'm not sure, let's just take her bag with us and clean it." Jace says. "I spotted a tap over there."

We walk over to the tap at the side of the monitoring building and Jace takes out Anna's belongings. I notice dried up bloodstains on her scarf, there not significantly big, but there still there.

Once all her stuff is out Jace holds the bag under the water stream and only now do we notice how much blood there actually is.

More and more blood keeps coming off the bag as Jace applies more water.

"Jesus." Ayla mutters as a response and Devin and Jace are looking at the bag with an angry but sad expression.

When her bag is finally a bit clean, Devin puts Anna's stuff back in and takes the bag with him. We follow him back to the open field where it all happened.

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