New Friends. Familiar Faces.

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Lucy and I walked to this near by smoothie place across from the college. "They have the best smoothies in the city." he said opening the door for me. He ordered his while I picked out what I wanted. I ordered it as we sat down. "I heard Emily is your friend. How long have you two been friends?" "About two years now." I replied. "You married too right?" "Yes. His name is Robert." "Is he cute?" "Cute is not the word for him." "Haha, so he's fine. I want to meet him." "I have a picture." I showed him a picture on my phone. He took it from me holding close to near his face. "Girl, I want to lick your phone. That boy is sexy!" I busted out laughing placing my phone back in the purse. "I know right?" "How come I didn't meet him before? Mmm." "He's orignally from here in New York. Me and Emily are from California." "It looks that way. Your tanned and have great fashion sense. I've always wanted to go there." "It's beautiful there." "I bet. Adam and I want to get married there. My dream is to open up a shop there and sell all my clothes. What about you?" "Right now, I want to get my fashion career going. I just have one set back." "And that is?" "I'm possibly pregnant." "Shut up for real? Can I say something? I don't think its a big issue. I mean if you can talk your parents into taking care of the baby..." "My parents passed away." "Aww, I'm sorry. Do you have any other relatives?" "Yeah, my grandparents but they live in Michigan." "Oh, what about your husband?" "His parents live here. I doubt they would care for it." "Honey, it wouldn't hurt to ask." "True." "Kids in my opinion are your motivation in life. You want whats best for them right?" "I do." "Don't think of them as holding you back. More like pushing you forward." "Your right. I never thought of that." "My mom for example. She had me in High School. Never stopped her. She's a CEO for Cover Girl." "Oh, wow." "She did it all by herself because my dad was a dead beat and my grandparents ooh don't get me started." "I really appreciate the advice." "That's what us girlfriend have to do. Stick together through good and bad. What does your husband want to do?" "He wants to become an actor." "Nice. Consider me a number one fan." We shared a laugh and continued to talk. I never had homosexual friends. This was a first and I loved Lucy already. Emily was right he reminded me of myself.

I went to my next class and sat down. Yay, math! After an hour or so it was over and I went to the cafeteria. I seen Robert with Emily at table. I smiled and sat next to Robert who gave me a kiss. "How was your day?" he asked. "Great. I made another friend. His name is Lucy." I answered. "You met him. He's great isn't he?" said Emily smiling. "Yes, he is. We both went to get a smoothie after class. Such a great person. I can tell you this he does favor me." "I told you." "Hey, boo's mind if we sit!" I smiled as Lucy and Adam stood near us hand in hand. "Not at all." They took a seat. "Robert this is Lucy and Adam." I introduced. He shook their hands then wrapped his arm around me. "He's even better looking up close." whispered Lucy in my ear. I laughed along with him. "I have to say you two look so adorable together. I can't wait to marry this beautiful person right here." said Adam. "How long have you two been dating?" I asked. "Five wonderful years. We met in High School." "It was love at first sight." cooed Lucy. "Yeah, Lucy helped me cope with my sexuality. I was having issues understanding it. Thanks to him I'm happy to express it and not give two shits of what anyone says." We all laughed in unison. "I wish I had a boyfriend. The guys here are a bunch of tools." said Emily. "I can hook you up with my friend Benny." mentioned Robert. "No, he's too weird." "Dwayne has a crush on you." "Really?!" I noticed her eyes lite up. She coughed and continued, "I mean really? Because, I heard he already has a girlfriend." "That wasn't him. Van does." "Cool, cool." I shook my head at her. Dwayne, always flirted with Emily during school. Carrying her books and play fighting. Not to mention sitting next to eachother at the lunch table. Only Dwayne got accepted here while Benny and Van went to another college. I missed them.

I walked into my last class of the day. Please, no more homework. It was my english class. "Excuse me." said the dark haired boy. I moved my feet back as he moved past me. He sat down next to me. "Thank you." "You're welcome." I said. He set his books on the pull out table. He gave me a smile. I felt my heart race. He looked familiar. For some damn reason he gave me the creeps. "Hi, I'm Rick." I shook his hand lightly. He had short black hair, squared metal glasses, brown eyes, and light skin. "Katy." "Nice to meet you. Is this your first year?" "Yeah." "Me too." I faced forward. His voice even sound familiar. I shook my head removing my suspicions. During class, I felt his eyes burn at the side of my head. I tried to ignore him but, it was hard. Finally class was over and I quickly shoved my shit in my bag. I go to walk away when I heard, "You have a nice day, Katy." I turned around seeing Rick smile at me. Even that smile scared me. I waved and bolted out the door. It can't be him. He's in jail. Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me. I'm sure everyone has features of and identical stranger. No way that could be Devin.

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