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I felt my heart sink to his words. He cheated on me! How could he? What reason have I given him to cheat? Tears ran down my face as I just looked at him. He refused my gaze twiddling his fingers. "Aren't you going to say anything?" he asked. "What is there to say? This is the second time you've done it. There is no possible way that I could ever forgive you." I replied. My voice was straining as the anger began to rise in me. He remained silent. "How could you do this? You know what?! I don't want to hear it! I have my child to worry about. Pack your shit and leave!" "Katy, where am I going to go?" "I don't care where you go! I'm sick of you hurting me! I thought you loved me. You made a promise before and after we got married. If you weren't ready for that kind of commitment then why be with me?" "I had a weak moment. I know that doesn't justify my actions. I admit it! I fucked up!" "I have had many chances of showing weakness. Yet, I never did anything! Robert for the sake of our child leave! I'm pregnant and the stress of this whole situation is not good." He got up from the couch and into the bedroom.

I was trying to calm my emotions while he was in there packing. He needed to leave. I can't bare to look at him. Let alone stomach his presence. I hope him cheating on me with that girl was worth it. I'm not going to blame her. I doubt she even knew he was married. Or did she? Robert walks out of the room and over to the front door. He stood there facing away from me. "Katy, all I have to say is...I'm sorry. I love you more than anything in the world. My life with you was perfect. Now, look at me. Once again I screwed it up. You have a right to be angry with me. If you want a divorce, which I don't want. I will give it to you. Take all the time you need. Just know that I'm going to miss you. I'm going to miss your touch, eyes, smile, laugh, and our child. You are the most amazing woman that has ever came into my life." He turned to face me as tears fell from his eyes. "I love you, Katy. Forever and always." he continued. He opened the door carrying his bags and closed it behind him. The tears poured from me as he I laid on the couch sobbing. I hated this. He messed up big time and there is no way I could ever trust him again. I just time to think. Even if it take weeks, months, or even years. I love him. Our baby is growing inside me. I don't need this kind of drama. I needed a friend. I asked Emily to come over.


I messed up big time. I don't blame Katy for getting angry nor for kicking me out. I brought this on myself. I called up my buddy Dwayne and asked if I could crash at his place. Of course, he said yes. "Hey man, come on in." he greeted at the door. I stepped in to see Emily getting her purse as if she was leaving. "I have to go Dwayne. Katy needs me to come over." she said. She noticed my bags in hand and folded her arms in front of her. "What did you do?" I couldn't face her. "I had a one night stand with some girl." I replied nervously. "Again?! For God sakes Robert, your a married man! When are you going to start think with your real head and not the one below your waist! You are stupid! I have to go!" She shoved passed me and out the door. I deserved that. "Dude, how could you do that? If I was with a great girl like Katy. I would never let her go. She's best thing for you. Plus, she's pregnant. You have a family to think about. Was it worth getting wasted and having a hot sweaty fling?" added Dwayne. "No." "There you go. You only get that one time. They never last. Who was it?" "A girl that I met in one of my classes. Her name is Paris." "You need to figure out what you want. Start changing. If you don't show Katy that you can change then your giving another guy the chance to be that man she needs. Do you want that?" "Hell no! Katy is my life." "Then get started. You can stay here as long as you want. Come on, I'll show you to your room." I followed behind him and into the spare room he had. There was only a bed in there which was fine with me. I settled in think of Katy. I found our old picture from high school. Her arms wrapped around my neck and smiling brightly. I remembered she tried so hard to be my friend. Then it changed into love. I don't deserve her. Out of all the men in the world she chose me. If that's not love then I don't know what is.


Emily came over and we talked. She helped me out a lot. I shouldn't let my guard down. He has to change. I'm going to give him all that time. I was walking to my next class when I seen Robert talking to some girl. From the looks of it didn't seem to go well. He walked away and she stood there shaking her head. Could that be the one slept with? I headed over towards the girl. She sat there on the bench staring in his direction. She looked upset. "Hi, mind if I sit here?" I asked politely. "Not at all go ahead." she replied. I sat next to her. She wasn't ugly. She was really pretty. "Bad break up?" "Not really." "How so?" "Well, he and I met in class one day. He seemed like a really great guy. He was my type of course, rugged and goregous. But, we slept together at a party which was big mistake. Because now he doesn't want anything to do with me. Maybe we should have drank so much. I'm crazy about him though." "What's his name?" A smile grew on her face. "His name is Robert." This has to be her! "Your name wouldn't by any chance be Paris?" She looked at me confused then replied, "Yeah, how did you know?" "Because that guy Robert is my husband." Her eyes widen and she immediately covered her face. "Oh my God, I am so sorry. He never told me he was married. Oh my God that's why he won't talk to me!" I felt bad for her. "It's okay. I had a feeling he never told you." "I feel dirty. I'm sorry I really am." "It's fine." "He is such an asshole! I ought to kill him! I mean you seem like a sweet gal but, how could he? I don't know." "Paris don't worry about it. He told me it was all him." "Oh God, I ruined your marriage! I'm such a slut when it comes to bad boys!" "No you didn't. We are separated for the moment. We are still very married." "I'm really" "Katy." "Oh, I'm truly sorry. I swear it will never happen again. Look I have to get to classs. Again I'm sorry." She got up quick and took off running to class. Damn you Robert!

***Do you think Robert will change in time before someone else tries and pursue Katy? Will she ever get back with him? Or will this be the end? Vote and Comment please. NEW UPDATE SOON***

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