Dazed and Confused

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*Five Months Past*

I didn't think I could go so long with out Robert. I have to be strong for my child. The only time I've spoken to him was when I gave him the sonogram. We're having a girl. Emily had been a big help. The person who never left my side was Rick. Strange as it may be he stood by my side. A true friend if not more. He made sure I attended each appointment and took care of my needs. Something Robert should be doing. I was greatful to him. Lucy and Adam wanted to do my baby shower. In all the change I missed Robert. I'd see him every now and then on campus. Always alone or with Dwayne. He needed to change. I don't even know if he's change.

I passed my classes for this semester. Being pregnant started taking a toll on my performance. Of course, I've faught off my need to stay stress free. It became impossible since I didn't have the help I needed. My dream was to be somebody in life. A fashion designer is my calling. So, far I have gotten calls from executives of the fashion industry to feature some of my work. From what I know Vera had purchased my gown and everyone is eagered as to who made the outfit. I noticed in a magazine that she had worn it to an event. I was over joyed that she had put my name out there. With that happening it gave me the confidence to keep working hard.

Rick walked in the door as I was on a stool sewing the collar of my latest outfit. He placed the bags he had in hand down on the kitchen table. He stood in front of me with arms folded against his chest. "May I ask why you are sewing on a stool? You could fall and hurt yourself." he said upset. "I haven't fallen yet. Besides I'm working." I replied. "I don't thinks so honey. There are other ways to do that. Now, give me your hand." "Rick, I have to maintain a balance in this design. This is the only way." "I'm trying to maintain you not hurting your baby. Take my hand." I groan and took his hand. I stepped down and glared at him. "You'll thank me one day." he continued softly giving me a smile. I rolled my eyes and sat down at the table. "I brought some delicious take out. Chinese." "You have no idea how much I've been craving this. Thanks." I replied smiling at him. "Your very welcome. How was your day?" "Tiring. Can't wait until Christmas break. All the stress from school is killing me." "I feel you. Wow, your feet are swelling up." "I don't care. It's a small price to pay." "You shouldn't be stressing out so much. I'm here for you." "I appreciate it. Bad enough Robert and I are dealing with this seperation." "Must be hard being betrayed like that. It's been months since you two talked. I don't know maybe you should just forget about him." "I've tried that believe me. But, I have our daughter to think about. I don't want her to go with out a father. Like me I went without a mother." "I can understand that." It grew quiet between us as we continued to eat.

After we ate he cleaned up while I made myself comfortable on the couch. He comes back proping my feet up on his lap. He took some lotion and squirt a little in his hands. "What are you doin'?" I asked. "Giving you a foot massage." he replied smiling at me. He began rubbing my feet which felt good. I laid back and relaxed. "You have beautiful feet." I chuckled at what he said. "Yeah, I sure do. I bet they stink." "No they don't. You're beautiful Katy. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." "Rick, please shut up. You're going to make me cry." "You deserve to hear it. Any guy would be lucky to have you. You are the ideal dream girl. You're smart, funny, and sweet. Above all you are one strong woman. I envy Robert. It's ashame that he would take you for granted." I began to tear up to his words and sat up. "Just stop. I told you I was going to cry." He cupped his hands around my face. His brown eyes burned into mine. "I'm sorry. I felt that you needed to hear word of encouragement." "Thank you. I don't know what I would do without you. Rick, you have done so much for me these past few months. Something that isn't really your responsibility." "I feel like it is. You're my friend and I care about you. I will go to the ends of the earth just to be there for you." "Oh, Rick stop." I felt his lips against mine which took me by suprise. He pulled away quickly covering his mouth. "I'm sorry, Katy! I shouldn't have done that." he exclaimed. "It's okay." "No, I have to go." I pulled him back into a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him in closer. I felt his tongue caress mine gently. He laid me back on the couch not breaking our kiss. I know this seems wrong but, I could stop myself.

A knock came at the door and we immediatly pulled away from eachother. I walked fixed myself up before opening it. There stood Emily smiling at me. "Hey, thought I come by and spend the night." she said walking in. Her face fell when she noticed Rick sitting on the couch. "Devin?!" she shouted. "No, this is Rick. I know I thought the same thing." I said. "Who's Devin?" asked Rick." "I'll explain later." "Am I missing something here?" asked Emily.  "I'm going to leave you two to talk." he added getting up from the couch. He stopped in front of me and ran his hand down my cheek. "Good night, Katy. Call me if you need anything okay." "Yeah." I studdered. I closed the door and walked over to the couch.

I noticed the expression on Emily's face. She did not look so happy with me. "Um, what the hell was that about?!" she asked. "Emily, it's nothing okay. Devin is dead. I looked it up." "How come you never told me?" "Because, you would have gone nuts if you had seen him." "I'm your friend. I'm looking out for you. For some damn reason I don't like him!" "He's really sweet and nothing like Devin. Yes, he sort of favors him but, everyone has an identical stranger out there." "No, Katy that's not possible. Rick gives me the creeps. Out of all the students in the school he could be friends with. He hand picked you. Don't strike that as a bit odd." "Emily, please you're overracting. Rick has been there for me ever since, you know who." "Oh now you can't even say his name. Like it or not ROBERT is still your husband." "What if I don't want him to be anymore?" Emily stayed quiet shaking her head at me. "After all you two have been through. I get it he fucked up by sleeping with another bitch. That doesn't matter anymore. If only you could see how much he's changed. For some reason I get the feeling you don't want to see it. Because that Rick guy has you all confused." "You leave him out of this. He's done more for me then Robert has. Not once has he shown up at my door!" "It's because he's afraid! He's afraid that if he shows up you would push him away!" "That is such a lie!" "Prove it!" I looked away from her and stayed quiet. "That's what I thought. You don't want him back. I can see it in your eyes, Katy. I'm not stupid. You know what?" She grabbed her bag throwing it over her shoulder. "Go ahead and be with someone else. But, don't come crying to me when you start to regret your decision. Robert loves you. He may have made some mistakes in his past. At least he's man enough to own up to them." The door slammed behind her.

I felt so hurt and confused. I didn't know what to think. Could she be right? I turned off all the lights in the house and went straight to bed. I laid there thinking about Rick. His kissed burned on my lips. A kiss I haven't felt in a long time. It was passionate and felt as if he had been holding it in. I really liked him. As for Robert, it felt like my feelings for him had changed. I don't know if I'll ever trust him or love him like I use to. It's like I don't even want him back as much as I did before. I bet right now he's not even thinking about me. All I want is to move on.


Emily burst in through the front door crying. Dwayne got up and comforted her. "What's wrong babe?" he asked worried. "It's about Katy." she weeped. I stood up quick thinking the worst. "Is she okay? What happen?" I asked shakingly. "She's fine health wise. It's just...we got into an arguement about this guy Rick. I swear that guy is bad news. Anyway, I go to her house and she's acting all weird. Talking about how she may not want to be with you anymore." "She said that?" "Yes. That guy has he all fucked up in the head. I know she has feelings for that guy. He's practically up her ass twenty-four seven. I mean you two are suppose to be together. Robert you have to do something. She's thinking the worst of you!" "What am I suppose to do?! I'm afraid she's going to turn me away." "Stop being afraid and get her back! Fight for your wife! Before it's too late. I do not trust Rick. There's something about him that isn't right." "I will. I'm not losing her to him." "Then, tomorrow you show her that you've changed. No more hiding. Win her back!" Rick is not taking Katy away from me. Even if she tells me to leave I won't listen. I want my life back.

***Will Robert be able to win Katy back? Or will Rick's pursuit triumph over his? Vote and Comment please. New update soon***

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