No more goodbyes

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The doctors stitched me up. Everything with the baby was fine. Thank God! I'm more worried about Robert. An hour goes by and my phone went off. Unknown number? I answered it. It was Robert using that girl Vicera's phone.

Me: Baby, are you okay? Where are you?

Robert: I'm fine. Are you and the baby okay?

Me: Yes. What happened? I'm worried about you. Please I want to see you.

Robert: I'm with the cops giving them the report. I'm not in trouble for his death it was an accident. I'll be there soon babe I promise. I love you.

Me: I love you more. Bye.

I sighed and place my phone on the table. Devin is really gone. I felt a weight was lifted off me. A knock came at the door and in came Robert's mom. "Katy, honey are you okay? Robert asked me to come keep you company. Do you need anything? Are you comfortable?" she asked smiling. I love how over motherly she is. It's so cute. "Mom, I'm fine." I replied giggling to myself. "Are you sure honey?" "I'm sure." "I was afraid my Bobby got hurt. He is okay right?" "Yes." "Good. That crazy criminal should pay for what he did." "Don't worry we won't be seeing him ever again."

Robert showed up and wrapped his arms around me. "Thank God you're alright. I was so worried." he said giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Me too." I replied. "Are you sure the baby is okay?" "Yes, I swear." "Great, I don't know what I would do with you two in my life." "Aww, Bobby you're such a sweetheart." We turned to look at his mother sniffling. We both smiled and chuckled at her. "Mom, you can go now. I can take it from here." "Are you sure Bobby?" "Yes." "Okay, I'll go. Love you both." She waved one last time and out the door.

"Did you find out how Emily is doing?" I asked. "Dwayne says that she hasn't responded. Doctors have to run a brain scan to see if she suffered internal trama." replied Robert sadly. My eyes began to water as I covered my face and wept. "Oh my God. Poor Emily." "I pray she's okay. I don't want to lose her." Robert started crying himself. I held him close to me. I could never forgive myself if something terrible would happen to her. She is such a good friend to us both.

I was soon released from the hospital. Robert and I checked on Emily. Dwayne had his head down on the bed holding her hand. He looked up at us with weary eyes. He was a mess. "How is she?" I asked concerned. He began tearing up again shaking his head. "She...she's in a coma. In an hour or so they are doing surgery on her. She has slight internal bleeding on her right side." "Oh God no!" I leaned down to her lifeless body. I took her hand giving it a tight squeeze. "Emily, if you can hear me. Don't you dare leave us. We love you too much to let you go. You have to fight. You niece needs her aunt." I whispered softly to her.

***Sorry so short been busy babysitting. Will Emily survive the surgery? Vote and comment please. New update soon***

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