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I used my GPS to track her phone. It was somewhere in Brooklyn. I followed it until it went off. Shit! I called the police telling them about Katy being kidnapped. I gave them the location but, wasn't sure where she was exactly. What kind of car did he drive? I parked the car and went door to door. Maybe someone saw her.

I knocked on the door of a random neighbors house. I could hear the heavy metal music playing loudly inside. A young girl swung the door open. Her hair was black with purple highlights. Goth looking with heavy eyeliner under eyes. "What the fuck dude? We don't sell that shit anymore!" she snapped. I stopped her before she could close the door. "I'm not hear for any of that. Look I'm trying to find my wife. Have you seen her?" I asked. I showed her a picture of Katy on my phone. "What's in it for me?" "What do you want?" "Fifty bucks." I rolled my eyes and pulled out a fifty from my wallet. I held it against me. "How do I know you've seen anything?" I asked suspiciously. She let out groan. "I swear I did. Listen earlier I saw this dude across the street pull up to that house. I've never seen him before cus they place been abandoned for about three years. Anyway, he gets out yanking some pregnant girl out the back seat. Is your wife pregnant?" "Yes, she is. That house right there." I pointed in the direction of the house. "Yes, now give me my fifty bucks." I gave it to her and took off running.

I walked up to the house looking into the windows. "Hey buddy." I turned to see that girl behind me. "Go back this dude is dangerous." I whispered. "I thought you could use this." She hand me a .9mm and I took it. "Be careful it's loaded." "Thanks. Call the cops for me." "I'll wait for them out here." I knodded my head as I walked toward the back door.


I watched Devin as he sharpen the knife he had. "How long am I going to be down here?" I asked. He let out a sigh smiling at me. "Just until the baby's born. Have you figured out a name for her?" he replied. "That's none of your business because YOU'RE NOT HER FATHER!"  "SHE IS MINE!" He got up pulling my hair back. He slide the knife down my cheek. It stung as he cut me. "When are you going to learn? Robert isn't going to save you. You're mine!" "I don't belong to anyone. At least not to some psychopathic freak like you!" "Fuck you!" He slapped me hard across the face.
I gave him a hateful stare. "I'm about sick and tired of you. I guess I can kill you after the baby is born. Either way, I'm only doing this to make Robert suffer." "What has Robert done to you to make you so angry?" "You really want to know? One word. Popularity! He had everything going for him. Money, good looks, charm, and the girls. I had nothing. I want to show him what it feels like to lose everything he ever loved." "He was your best friend and you betrayed him." "Robert betrayed me! I was just his pathetic shadow!" "You're fucking crazy." "I'll show you crazy!" He jabbed the knife in my shoulder. I screamed in pain. "How's that for crazy?!" I heard a gunshot go off and Devin hit the floor.

I seen Robert standing there holding a gun in hand. I could hear sirens outside. "Baby, help me!" Robert comes over untying me. I hugged him tight against. "I knew you would come." I said. "Dude, the cops are here. Woah, is he dead?" I turned to see some goth chick near the stairs. "Hey, help me take my wife upstairs please." said Robert. The girl wrapped her arm around me and we walked up the stairs. I then felt Robert being tugged back and the gun slid across the floor. "Robbie!" I screamed. "Go now! I got this I love you baby." said Robert. The girl took me upstairs.

We finally made it outside and the cops had the place surrounded. A gunshot went off in the house and I immediately thought the worst. They placed me on the gurney. "Wait, I need to know if my husband is okay!" I shouted. "Don't worry I'll let you know if he's okay. I'm Vicera by the way." said the girl. "Thanks I guess." I laid back as the ambulence took me away to the hospital. I hope Robert is okay.

***Who was shot? Vote and comment please. New update soon***

Pushing the Limits (Taking Chances Trilogy) (Robert Downey Jr. Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now