Trust with a side of Tempation

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I stood in front of the mirror gazing over my dress. I guess this will do. "You're going like that?" asked Robert leaning against the frame of the door. "Yes. Is there a problem though?" I replied. "No, you look great. I didn't think it was going to be casual." "I'm confused. I don't want to look like a total trainwreck. This is a start for my future." "You have a point. Have fun tonight." I grabbed my purse and gave him a kiss on the lips. "I love you. See you later." "Love you." I walked out the door. I noticed the limo driver opening the door. I seen Kidman sitting there smiling at me. I got in and sat nervously next to him. "Champagne?" he asked. "No, thank you." I rejected nicely. He cracks a grin and takes a swig of his drink. "You look beautiful." "Thanks." "We are going to have fun. Tonight, it's all about you. I just know that your dress will be a hit." "If you say so." He laughed and smirked at me.

We arrived to the event. A hostess handed us a pamplet. The venue was goregous. Floresent lights gleamed, candles, food, drinks, and people in taking their seats. Kidman showed me to our seats. I felt so akward around these high class people. My heart skipped a beat when I seen Vera Wang sitting down next to me. My idol! She smiled at me holding out her hand. "Hello, I love my dress by the way." she greeted chuckling. I placed my hand into hers giving it a shake. I was speechless. "I-I, I mean thank you. I'm a huge fan of your work." I studdered. "Are you here alone?" "No, I'm here with my professor." "Ms. Wang, its a pleasure." said Kidman shaking her hand. "Future fashion student I presume?" "As a matter a fact yes. One of her designs will be featured tonight." "I'm looking foward to seeing it. I enjoy seeing new fashion. What is your name dear?" "Katy Downey." I replied. "Best of luck on your studies. I will be keeping an eye out." I smiled to myself feeling giddy. I felt Kidmans hand on mine. "Enjoying yourself so far?" he asked. "Yes. Meeting my idol just made it better." The fashion show began and all the models come out. Christmas list there you are! After, a few minutes a model comes out alone with my dress on. I basically fangirled over my own dress. I glanced at Vera who read her pamplet and smiled. I noticed people smiling and clapping. I felt proud.

The show was over and Kidman introduced me around the place. I recieved high remarks on my design. Vera Wang's opinion mattered more. She waved me over and I walked over. "Having fun?" she asked cheerfully. "Yes." I replied. "I seen your dress. I have to say, I really found it artisically elegant. You used fabrics that I myself found to be a challenge. Especially, when combining them  together with a gold trim. It's very flowing and fun. I would buy that in a heartbeat." I smiled from ear to ear. Hearing Vera praise my dress made me feel accomplished. We left the event and rode back to my house. "How does it feel to be the talk of the fashion industry?" asked Kidman. "It's amazing. I don't know how I could repay you for this. I got a chance to meet my idol, my design featured by itself, and people praising me for it. I feel great. Thank you so much Kidman." I answered smiling. "You are very much welcome. I see something in you and I want to see it flourished. Today, I've made that happen. I hope to see more from you." He took my hand into his placing a kiss on it. "Katy, you are one lucky woman. I want to be the man to make all your dreams to come true." I sat there as my heart pounded against my chest. It wasn't a great feeling as he leaned over towards me. His lips pressed against mine. I frozed from shock as he kissed me. His hand ran through my hair. I pushed him away hard and looked at him shocked. "Mr. Kidman, have you forgotten the fact I am married?" He sat there guilty and hurt at the same time. "Forgive me, Katy. I shouldn't have done that. Must be the alcohol. Forgive me please." "It's okay. I have to go." I got out of the car and walked toward the house. I felt so weird after that kiss. He and I are seriously going to have a talk. I want to know what he is trying to do. If he thinks I'm going to sleep with him for my career then he is dead wrong.


Katy is hiding something from me. The way she acted after having a great time at that fashion show. Of course she was happy when she talked about it. But when I asked about what else happen she grew uncomfortable. I know I blow gaskets when it comes to guys going after her. It's because I love her and I don't want anyone trying to take her from me. I trust her but, its the men that come and go. I sat there trying to piece it together. I noticed a girl walk in looking around the classroom. She had dark raven hair, smooth tanned skin, goegous big eyes, pouty glossed lips, and small curvy figure. She was hot. I shook my head and looked away. I'm such a perv. I noticed she walked towards me standing in front of me. "Excuse me, is this seat taken?" she asked. Her raspy mouse like voice made me smile. "Not at all." I replied. She smiled back taking a seat next to me. "Thank you." "No problem." "I'm Paris by the way." "Robert, nice to meet you." "What year are you?" "Freshman." "Sophmore. I transferred here from Florida." "Why transfer?" "Broadway." "Awesome." "My dream is to perform on that stage. Doesn't matter what I was placed as. I just want my feet to touch that magical stage." I laughed along with her. "Sounds cheesy. I know." "No, it doesn't. Everyone has their dreams." "What are yours?" "I want to make it to the big screen." "Movie actor, cool." We just stared at eachother for a moment. She had greenish with a hint of gold eyes. Those beautiful orbs burned into mine. What the hell am I doing?! I looked away and stayed silent. Remember Robert you have a wife. Who is also pregnant with your child. Calm your fucking ass down. You have eyes for one woman. Be faithful. Yes, Paris is hot but, Katy is hotter. She is your life. Don't go fucking it up!

***Sorry for not updating in awhile. I've been moving. I will try to update again. Vote and comment what think of todays update. Is Kidman trying to hook up with Katy? Or is he interested in her work? Will Robert fall into temptation? You never know!***

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