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I woke up in the delivery room. Sweat poured from me like a waterfall from hell. The doctor in between my legs. The muffled sound of the doctor were unclear. The nurse held my hand as I began pushing. My screams rang throughout the room as I felt the sharp pain coming from my core.

Where was Robert? He's suppose to be here for the birth of my child. I felt weak from all pushing I had to do. I then hear the cry of my baby. My vision was grow fuzzy as I tried to look at my daughter. I held my arms out to hold her. The doctor hands her to a man next to me. He had the surgical mask on rocking the baby in his arms. Must be Robert.

He pulls the mask down as he cracks a smile in my direction. Devin?! The image of him as he held my baby began to fade away. "NO! MY BABY!" I screamed. Light flashes before my eyes as I stood there in the room. I look to the doctor working on me. I could hear the loud flat line sound coming from the monitor. Am I dead?! I closed my eyes and screamed.

"Katy, wake up!" shouted Robert. I sat up on the bed as sweat dripped from my forehead and neck. I placed my hand over my chest as I felt my heart pound against my chest. "Babe, are you okay?" I turned to him on the verge of tears. "It was the worst nightmare I have ever experienced." I replied. My voice was hoarsed. I guess I screamed myself voiceless. I felt Robert's arm around me. He placed a kiss on my temple and sighed. "It's just a dream. Nothing you should worry about." "Is Devin really dead?"

Robert furrowed his eyebrows at me. He let out s sigh and squeezed my hand. "He is dead. I watched the cornor take his body out of the house. I shot him once in the forhead." he answered. I don't get why I'm dreaming of him. A horrific nightmare that he steals my daughter and I die. Maybe, I'm not going to be fully satisfied until I see his dead corpes. Hopefully, its not buried yet. Or if his parents already claimed.

I rested my head on Robert's shoulder. "I guess I need to see it. That way I can be at peace." I sighed. "Alright, tomorrow when we go check Emily. I can ask around." he said. "I just want to feel safe again. Even in my dreams I don't feel that way." "Don't worry so much. I'm here for you no matter what. Get some rest." I turned over on my side as I felt Robert's warm body against my back. His arms hugged me close. I've always felt safe in his arms. I smiled to myself and closed my eyes.

I stepped into the morge where they held the dead. I shivered to myself as the mortitian pulled out the metal tray that held Devins corpes. I frozed as the man unzipped the clear body bag. He looks up at me before opening it further. "Are you sure you want to see this?" he asked in a deep husky voice. I squeezed Robert's hand tight as I knodded my head in agreement. The man popped his gum and moved the sides apart.

My eyes widen as there laid the cold frozen face of Devin. The burned side of his face seemed decaded. His skin pale white and lips purple. I seen the shot gun wound on his forehead. This is real. Devin is really dead. Gone from existence. I felt a bigger sigh of relief as I walked away. "Feel better?" asked Robert. I smiled up at him giving him a hug. "I feel much better now. I love you." I replied. "I love you too."

Emily laid on the bed still unresponsive. Her mom Savannah was there weeping my her side. "Any news on her condition so far?" I asked taking a seat next to her. She wiped the tears from her eyes and sniffled. "They think she's brain dead. They just did a CT Scan on her brain. Doctor says if she is..." she paused and crying again. Hell I was crying too. "There's nothing they could. We'd have to say our final goodbyes." she contiued. I looked over at Robert. He was hovered over the bed crying.

My heart was breaking inside. I don't want to lose Emily. "Emily, I know you can hear me. Please, fight to survive! We all need you." cried Robert. My heart broke to his words. He wraps his arms gently around her. "I love you, Emily. Remember all the good times we had. I remember when we would play fight in the stores. Crack jokes at eachother. The best part about you was that you knew me better than I did about myself." I smiled as he chuckled. "Fight Emily. I know you can pull through. Screw all of these doctors. I know you can hear us." Robert pulled away placing a soft kiss on Emily's cheek.

I walked over to him as he hugged me. I felt his pain in the words  he spoke. Emily meant to so much to us. I don't want her to go. The doctor comes in and I knew deep down we were all scared. "I have some great news. There are no signs of brain malfunction. The nerves are still running like they are suppose to. All I asked is for you to stay patient. Hopefully, she wakes up soon." announced the doctor giving us a smile. We thanked him as he leaves the room.

We chatted with Savannah for a little while. Before we left Robert goes to give Emily a kiss in the cheek. I noticed his hand cupped over his mouth. I could hear mumbling coming from the oxygen mask. I went to take the mask off her as she struggled to get her words out. Her eyes remained close as her hand shot up the air. She placed it on the back of Robert 's head yanking him down by his hair. "Emily, what's wrong?" he asked. "I-I...l-love...y-you." she stuttered. We all smiled and laughed with joy. She's awake! "I love you, too. Now let go of my hair sweety." She yanked him down more as her eyes opened. She cracked a smile at him. "I still owe you an ass whoopin'." I busted out laughing. There's that Emily we know and loved.

***Sorry for not updating lately. I will try and update more this weekend. Next month I will be back I promise. New update soon. Vote and comment please***

Pushing the Limits (Taking Chances Trilogy) (Robert Downey Jr. Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now