Dreams coming True

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Robert and I along with the baby arrived to Los Angeles. Robert got a us a penthouse in the city. Since we were going to be here for awhile. Robert and I transferred to the University here. He does online classes and I attend. Rob Reiner took real good care of us and paid for nanny to watch Akira while I was at school. I didn't like the idea at first but, I want a better future for my daughter. It took about a week and a half until Robert was on the job.

The movie he was starring in was called, 'Rumor has it...'. I was thrilled he was placed in it. I heard he was going to work with Jennifer Aniston. I love her. I arrived home from a long day of classes. Doris (the nanny) came out of the room holding Akira in her arms. She hands her over to me. "How was she today?" I asked. "She was an angel. Not as fussy as she had been yesterday." "Yeah she had a tummy ache. I'm glad she's feeling better." "Me too. I'm going to head out. See you tomorrow." I smiled at her as she walked out the door.

I noticed Robert come in right after she left. He looked excited because he was humming. He gave me a peck on the lips taking Akira into his arm. "How's daddy's little girl? I missed you all day." he cooed. "I missed you." I said. He winked at me and went into the nursery. He gently laid her down in the basinet. I smiled as she laid there peacefully asleep. Robert wrapped his arms around me kissing my neck. "The baby is sleeping. How about we fool around for a little bit?" I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck.

I crashed my lips to his. Our tongue faught for dominance in eachothers mouth. A moan escaped my throat. Robert smile against my lips. He picked me up as he carried me into our room. He dropped right on the bed and I just laid there smiling at him. He takes his shirt off and tossed it aside. He hovered over me and kissed my nose. His runs his fingers up my shirt puling it off. I felt his warm kisses down my body.

Just as we were about to get to it my phone rings. I heard Robert growl as he answered it before I could. "You have reached The Downey residents. We're are having coitus at the moment and unable to recieve your call. Please leave you're..." "Robbie, give me my phone!" I snapped dying with laughter. "I'm sorry about that. May I ask who's calling?" I continued. "Tell Robert he is a sick bastard and when I see him I'm gonna kick his ass. It's Emily by the way." replied the caller. "Oh hey! What's up?" "The Monroe Fashion Industry called me asking for you. Something about you winning a contest." My jaw dropped and I screamed with excitement. "Shut up, are you serious?! I won!" "Yeah they've been trying to contact you. I gave them your number they should be calling you soon." "Oh my God thank for telling me." "No problem, call me later with the details on your win." "I will. Bye."

I placed my phone back in the mantle. "I won baby. My design was pick for Fashion week." "Congradulations babe. I'm proud of you. Your designer clothes are going to be in every rack from here to Tokyo." said Robert hugging me. "Thank you. Everything is working out perfectly. Our dreams are finally coming true." "Nothing can ruin this. We are a team." "Yes we are." "Once we are settled permenantly. How's about we get married again? A big wedding with our family and friends." "Aww, Robbie that's a fabulous idea. There's nothing more I could ever want then to spend the rest of my life with you." "Me too. I love you, Katy." "I love you even more." I pressed my lips against his.

***Sorry for not updating in awhile. I've had some writers block lately. But, I'm back. If you haven't catch the sequel to My Dad's Best Friend its out. 'You're mine Forever' is the title. Also, take time to read Lost Heart. Love you guys.***

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