Star Student

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Today in fashion class we had to create a classic ballroom gown. It was not easy because we weren't in groups. I used delicate material because I like a challenge. Luck was on my side of course it was working. I used light blue and gold trimings. "You ready for the party tonight?" asked Lucy. "Yeah. The only fear I have is Robert getting into a fight." I replied. "Why would he get in a fight?" "He's a very jealous man." "I'll protect you." I laughed along with him. Kidman comes over checking my work. "Katy, you just keep suprising me with your work. I love the material combination. The colors are bold and elegant. I like how the trim is done. Excellent work." he said. I smiled and continued to work. "Listen up everyone. This dress right is an example of how you should design. Be spontanous. Don't be afraid to work with fabrics that raise challenges. If you are patient the designs you create will florish. Take notes everyone." I could feel eyes on me as I worked. They definately hate me now. I didn't care. I want this career more than anything. This is war. "Katy, I want to see afterwards." he whispered in my ear. "Yes, sir." I answered.

Class was over and I put my dress in the bag and hung it up. I walked into Kidman's office and sat down. His eyes were locked to mine as we sat there in slience. "Katy, over these past few days your work has taken my breath away. I have never encountered a freshman with your line of experience. The work you are doing is what my juniors are doing. But, you my lady are better." said Kidman. "Thank you I guess. Forgive me if I sound confused." I responded nervously. "How bad do want this career?" "I think my work explains for itself." "I want to hear you say it." "I need this career. It's my lifes passion." "That's the word I want to hear. Passion. I have a fashion show coming up this saturday. I want to feature that dress in the show. What do you say?" I dropped my mouth in shock. Is he serious? "Oh my God, are you for real?!" "I'm dead serious and I want you to accompany me. Experience it first luxury first hand." "I would love to. I just have to ask my husband." He gave me a strange look as if he couldn't believe I was married. "You have a husband?" asked Kidman. "Yes. Is that an issue?" I answered. He turned his head away from me rubbing his head. "Not at all. I'm just suprised that you are married at such a young age." "Yes, its a big pill to swallow." "Okay, well I hope your husband will let you come. I really want you to experience this." "I'm sure he'll say yes." "Fantastic. You can go now. Have a nice day." I got up and left.

I told Robert the good news and he was thrilled. Of course, he's letting me go. I was dressed for the party. I had a simple pink dress on and heels. I kept my hair down. Robert comes out and shook his head. "What?" I asked. "Too sexy. Go change." he replied. I rolled my eyes folding my arms. "Babe, seriously? I don't want to change." "You said no fighting. I'm just following your wishes." "I guess I'm just going to have to live. I'm not changing. Let's go." "Okay, don't complain later." "Shut up." He placed his arm around me laughing as we headed out. We met up with Emily at the party. She was with Dwayne as we walked up. "Robbie, I saved you a beer." said Dwayne. He was already tipsy by his the way his voice sounded. "Adam and Lucy are waiting for us." said Emily. We followed behind as we went into the house. The music was loud and jumping. I look to my side to see Robert already dancing. He was so cheesy shimying against me. I left Robert to got dance with Lucy. He owned the dancefloor. Better dancer than me.

 I went to sit down to rest my feet. A guy comes to sit next to me. He obviously had to much to drink. "Hey goregous. How's about you and I knock a few dents out of my car?" he said placing his hand on my leg. He had such a lame pick up line. "No way!" I got up from the couch and walked away. I was then spinned around and pinned against him. "Come on. I know you want to." "Let go!" I slapped him hard against his cheek. I tried pulling away but, he wouldn't let go. He grabbed my ass hard and crashed his dried lips against mine. I screamed. He was then pulled off me and punched to the ground. It was Rick. Him and the other guy faught and everyone crowded around me watching. The other guy leaves stumbling as Rick stood there wiping the blood from his nose. He walk towards me taking my hand into his. "You alright? He didn't hurt you did he?" he asked worried. "I'm fine. Thank you." I replied. "Not a problem. That's what friends are for." I smiled at him taking my hand away from his.

Robert comes over placing his arms around me. "Hey, babe. You okay?" he asked. "Yeah I'm fine." I replied giving him a kiss on the cheek. "That fight was crazy. I wonder what happened." "The guy was bothering a girl." added Rick. Robert looked at him and his face harden. Yeah, the Devin look alike. "Honey, this is Rick." "Nice to meet you." Rick held his hand out. Robert took his hand hard giving him a firm shake. "How's it going?" he replied behind his teeth. "Pretty great. I'm going to leave you two. Swell meeting you. See you in class Monday Katy." He walks away and I looked up at Robert. "You were not lying. He does favor Devin." "I told you. He's sweet though." "Yeah, I got my eye on him though. Even if he isn't Devin." I laughed as he gave me kiss.

****I apologize for not updating sooner. I've been sick. I will try and update again. How do you think that show with Kidman go? Vote and comment please.****

Pushing the Limits (Taking Chances Trilogy) (Robert Downey Jr. Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now