Too Late

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I was so fucking pissed off about Rick taking advantage of our separation. Without even thinking I showed up to the house. Early the next morning. I knocked on the door and waited for Katy to answer. The door swung open and there she stood with her arms folded against her chest. I smiled inside noticing her growing belly which held our baby girl. She had the most beautiful motherly glow even those she just woke up. She scolded at me waiting for my response. "Do you have any idea what time it is?! It's six in the morning. What do you want?!" she snapped at me. "You and I need to talk." I replied. "I don't have time to talk. Just go!"

She goes to close the door but, I stopped her pushing it back with my hand. She stared up at me blankly as I gazes down at her. "I'm not leaving until we talk. I think you owe me that after these past five months. Don't you agree?" "I don't owe you a damn thing. Get out Robert!" I pushed past her and made myself at home. I laid back on the couch and gave her a cheesy smile. "What do you want?" she asked sitting down on the recliner across from me. "How official are you and Rick? I mean he's been coming around a lot." "Let me guess Emily went crying to you about it. Either way it's none of your business." "When it deals with my WIFE! Then yes it is my business!" "Please, I'm not the one who cheated!" "I made a mistake! Ever since we've separated I've changed my whole way of living. The only thing I care about is you and our unborn child. I want to do right by you and earn your trust again. I will do whatever you want in order to have you back in my life. I regret hurting you." "It's not that simple."

I go over to her kneel at her feet. I took her hand into mine squeezing it tight. She refused my gazed. "Baby, tell me what I need to do. I know you still love me. I've never stop loving you." "I don't Robert. There is nothing you can do to fix this." "Just listen t-.." "No. I'm done with all this. Two times. Its like that old saying goes, 'Fool me once,  shame on you...Fool me twice, shame on me' I'm done with you." I let go of her hand feeling as if my whole world shattered. I'm too late. "What are saying?" "I want a divorce. I'm sorry." My heart felt as if it shattered into a million pieces. "And our child?! I refuse to let some other man be in her life." "You can see her as much as you want. I won't keep her from you." "No, NO! I'm not losing you!" "You already lost me when you cheated!" I was trying to hide my tears. I cupped my hands around her face and locked eyes with her. "No matter what you say. I will never stop loving you. If I have to start all over to win you back so be it. You are my girl!" I gently kissed her forhead and stormed out the house.

I seen Rick pull up in the driveway. He waved at me like an idiot. All I could see was read as I charged towards him. I snatched him by his collar slamming him against his car. "I don't know what your trying to do. But, Katy is my wife. If I have to fight you to win her back so be it!" I sneered. "Hey, I'm not the one who cheated." replied Rick giving me smirk. "You shut your fucking mouth! That's none of your business." "Technically it is because she and I are best friends." "Friends my ass! You're like a snake trying to sneak his way into where he doesn't belong. Being her friend is just excuse to get what you want." "Well, friendships can turn into something else. So, far I haven't had the luxury. Can you let go please? You're kind of hurting my back." "I ought to kick your ass." I released him from my grip. He smiled and fixed himself up. "Look, Katy is an amazing woman. I've grown to have a small liking to her. The set back is she's married. I envy you." "If I find out that you have anything to do with our break up? I will hunt you down like the rabid dog you are. Have I made myself clear?" "Crystal." I wanted to slap that smart ass grin he had on his face. I walked away heading home.


I feel as if I made the right decision. Deep down I felt crushed that things have to be this way. I meant every word I said to him. My love for him is slowly dying. I recieve a knock at the door. That better not be him. I opened it to see Rick. I smiled at him brightly and allowed him in. "Good Morning, beautiful." he greeted giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Morning." I said closing the door. "I noticed Robert leaving out from here. Are you okay?" "Yeah, he came by trying to fix our broken marriage. I'm just not ready to,forgive him. I never will." "What now?" "I asked for a divorce." "Katy, I'm sorry to hear that. Whatever you need I'm here for you." "Thanks. I don't know what I would do without you." We gazed at eachother for moment smiling. I rested my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm me holding me close. "You'll be fine. You are strong. Don't let him get inside your head." "I won't. I'm done with him."

I know I'm being heartless about this but, I'm sick of Robert's shit. I need to move and quit trying to fix something that I know will happen again. As for our child I won't keep her from him. If I decided to be with another guy he will never replace Robert as her father. Its bad enough she has to suffer him and I not being together anymore. Thanks to Rick he's been understanding. Time for me to focus on getting this divorce settle. I have a feeling Robert isn't going to make this easy at all. He's determined to win me back. I won't let my guard down.

***Do you think Rick has something up his sleeve? Do you believe Katy is truly over Robert? Vote and Comment what you think. New update soon.***

Pushing the Limits (Taking Chances Trilogy) (Robert Downey Jr. Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon