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Robert drove me to the clinic. I took a urine and blood test. I sat there on the bed biting my nails nervously. "You some hot sauce with those nails." joked Robert. "Shut up! How can you sit there and be so calm about this?" I snapped. "One thing you have to learn about me sweet cheeks. I'm calm all the time." I rolled my eyes. "Did you just call me 'sweet cheeks'?" He popped his gum and wiggled his eyebrows at me. The doctor comes in taking a seat on the stool. "Your test results came back positive. You are expecting. Congradulation." she announced. I inhaled and exhaled heavily. This is it. I'm really pregnant. She schedualed another appointment to follow up. Robert and I left the clinic hand in hand back to the car. "Don't worry babe. We've been through worst than this. We can do it." he said. "Yeah, I'm just scared." I replied. "I understand. You know my parents are going flip when they hear the news. Especially my mom." "Oh Lord, she's going to be like. 'Aww, my Bobby Wobby is going to be a daddy!' then she pinches your cheeks." I busted out laughing. "Very funny." He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close. "I love you. No matter what happens I'm here for you." I smiled at him pressing lips against his. I just love how he's so understanding and caring. He droved to his parents house. We sat in the livingroom talking and catching up. "Mom, dad Katy and I have some news to tell you." said Robert. "What is it?" asked his dad. "We're expecting." I seen his mom cry and charged at me giving me a tight hug. "I'm so happy! I'm going to be a grandma!" She hugged Robert placing kisses on his cheek. I could see the lipstick marks on his cheek. I busted out laughing at him. "My Bobby Wobby is going to be a daddy! My big boy!" "Congradulations, you two." said his dad giving me a hug. "Thank you." "You two are still in college though. I don't care, I will keep an eye on my grandbaby. Just until you two finish. I have to get the spare room made up." Robert's mom disappeared upstairs. "We're going to head home. We'll keep you updated an all." "You take into consideration about us keeping an eye on the baby." "Okay dad. Thanks."

I was finishing up my homework for math. I felt arms around me and I smiled. "Can I help you?" I asked. "Nothing. I'm sleepy but, I can't because your not there." he replied. His low seductive voice gave me chills. "I'm almost done and I'll be in there to cuddle with you." "Okay." He disappeared into the room. I worked on my last problem and put my books away. I seen him sprawled out on the bed in nothing but his boxers. I went into the bathroom to change into my pj's and brush my teeth. I come out and crawled into bed. He pulled the covers over us and I rested my head against his chest. "Are you okay with my parents watching the baby while we are still in college?" he asked. "I am." I replied. "I think it will help us out. I had a feeling my mom would bring it up." "I'm glad she did. I was a little nervous about asking." "You're not alone. I think my mom could read our minds." "She's a mom. They can read you like a book. It's creepy." "In my mom's case its worse." I laughed. He hovered over me pressing his lips against mine. "I love you." He whispered. "I love you, more."

I arrived to my fasion class and sat down. Kidman comes in setting his suitcase on the desk. "Morning class. Take out your notebooks. We're about to start the history of how fashion began. Be sure to take notes because it will be in the quiz this friday." he announced. He started the lecture and as we took notes. He then split us into groups to sketch and create an outfit from the 1970s. I smiled at our creation. He comes over to our table and smiled. "Wow, great job. Who's idea was it to do the colorful shirt?" he asked. "Me. The silk material was a hassle but, I made it work." I replied. "I love it. Excellent work, Katy." The others waited for an approval. "You guys did nice." They scolded me and I felt bad. I waited after class to talk to Kidman. He was gathering up his things. "Mr. Kidman, can I talk with you?" I asked. "Sure. What's on your mind?" he replied. "Earlier in the class you liked what I did and applaud me. Yet, the others did a great job as well. I don't think it was right." "Katy, when entering the fashion world you either get good remarks or bad. My method is to give critizim the way the experts do. It's my form of motivation. This isn't high school anymore." I let out a sigh and knodded my head. "Why did they get mad at you?" "Something like that." "Remember what I said before in class. This is a competition." "Your right. Thanks." I went to walk away but, I felt his hand on my shoulder. I could feel him behind me and it made me feel akward. "Don't feel discourage. I know you are going to be a great fashion designer. I can see it. If you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm here." I nodded my head and walked out the door. Why is he so nice to me? Am I really good designer as he says? Kidman just makes me feel weird.

****Do you guys think her professor is showing a little too much favoritism to her? Or is it something else? Vote and comment please. New Update soon.****

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