The Opportunity of a Lifetime

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*Two Weeks Later*

Emily, Lucy, Adam,and I were sitting in our seats. This play is going to be epic. Robert's mom kept Akira for the night. Emily held her camera ready to record. I loved the pamplet style. Mr. Sinclair the drama professor, comes out smiling holding the microphone. "Evening Ladies and Gentlemen. I regret to inform you that our casting has changed. Unexpectingly of course. The role of Frances "Baby" Houseman will now be played by Paris Croft. Thank you and enjoy the show." he annonced. My jaw dropped to the news. "Are you fucking kidding me?!" yelled Emily. "BOO!" I smacked her arm to get her to shut up. "Now, is not the time. Remember we are here for Robert." I assured. Deep down I hated the idea of Paris being all over him.

The curtain opens and the show began. I anxiously await for Robert to pop up. I then fangirled to myself when he came out in his costume. Hair slicked back, big sunglasses, tight black shirt tucked into his tight black jeans. He stood there all suave and cool as he held the leather jacket over his shoulder. Kill me now! He reminded me of Patrick Swayze. Only hotter. No offense. It came to the dancing scenes and all the girls in the audience lost their mind. I didn't like the intimate scene which didn't show much thank God. But, the idea irritated me. She would kiss him as if she was making me jealous. Paris knows I'm watching. She never failed in pissing me off.

The final dance which was always my favorite part in the movie. I noticed some of the actors were in the aisles. I go to look and Robert jumps from the stage just like in the movie. I was screaming at the top of my lungs. Not once did he hurt himself. He just kept dancing. He sees me and winks. Emily held the video camera as he danced along with the group down the aisle. Then out of nowhere Paris comes running and does the big lift. We all cheered. Robert and Paris ran hand in hand back up the stage. Giving the final kiss as the entire auditorium went dark and curtain closed.

I loved it. My baby did a fabulous job. I could wait to hug him afterwards. The lights came back on and the curtain opened. The entire cast stood there giving a standing ovation. Mr. Sinclair comes out bowing. He pulled both Paris and Robert out giving them a round of applause himself. I glared as she smiled at me deviously giving Robert a peck on the cheek. Kinda reminds me of Ms. Hugh. Only at age appropriate level now. The curtains finally close and we all left to wait up for Robert at the greeting hall.

Paris comes out first smiling. She saunters over towards us. Emily wanted to jump at her but, I held her back. "Enjoy the show ladies?" she asked with arms folded in front of her. "Yes, we did. Robert did a spectacular performance." cheered Emily. "I know right. I enjoyed every second of working with him. Especially the kissing scenes." She aimed her eyes straight me smirking. "I'm glad you did. The thing I love about acting, is that they never last forever." I spit sarcastically. "Trust me honey, they could last longer if I wanted them too." "Let me tell you something, BITCH! Robert is happily married! I ought to slap the slut out of you!" shouted Emily. "When are you ever going to mind your own fucking business?! You're supposibly his friend. I bet deep down inside of your soul. You want him too! If I was in your position I would have fuck him already!" "Not everyone is as tacky as you are! Campus Slut!" "You're the slut!"

Emily and Paris started fighting instantly. It took me by shock as they were throwing punches. I laughed to myself as Emily was wooping her ass. The crowd swormed around them like bees. Cheering and shouting. I could hear there security pushing through the crowd. Adam pulled Emily off of Paris and dragged her into the crowed. Lucy did the same dragging her into the crowd. Before, the security reached the center split up. They stood there scratching their heads and asking what was going on. No one answered them. Pretty funny moment.

I seen Robert come out the double door. He ran up to me picking me up. He swung me around planting kisses on my cheek. "There is my sexy wife! Did enjoy the show?" he exclaimed with joy. I smiled him pressing my lips against his for a moment. "Yes, I loved every second of it. I like the dancing more. You were so hot." I replied seductively. "I can teach a few moves." "In the bedroom perhaps." "You took the word right out of my mouth. You're such a dirty girl." I laughed as he crashed his lips to mine. I heard a cough behind me.

We pulled away to see a man stand there smiling. He was a older man dressed in a black suit and red tie. He was bald and had a short white beard. He almost looked familiar. "Can we help you?" asked Robert. "Forgive me for interrupting. My name is Rob Reiner." answered the old man smiling. I seen Robert's jaw drop. He must have known him. "Oh my God, the Rob Reiner? Famous director of two of my favorite films When Harry Meets Sally and A Few Good Men. I'm a huge fan of yours." Robert shaked his hand. It was so cute to see him fanboying. "I'm a bigger fan of you young man. Spectacular performance I might add." "Thank you, Sir. Hearing you say that is an honor." "Call me Rob okay. You are the type of guy I want for my next movie."

I could have sworn he would pass out. He was just standing there stiff and mouth wide open. "M-Me, in your next movie?" he studdered. "Of course. I've been looking for some fresh talent. The actors out there are okay. But, I want someone who is determined to make a big step in their career. I understand you're still studying and I don't plan on interfearing with that. To me education is important. If you say yes, then I will schedual production during summer break. You will get an all expenses paid trip to L.A, where the film will be made. It's up to you."

Robert looked at me for a moment. "I appreciate your offer Rob but, I have a family to take care of." he replied sadly. "Babe, this an opportunity of a life time. You should take the offer. Akira and I will be fine." I said smiling. "Family comes first, Katy." "I'll make you a deal. You can bring your wife and kid along with you. I will personally see to it they are taken care of in the time you are working. What do you?" added Rob. "Honey, take the deal. I don't want you to think we are holding you back. You deserve this." He better say yes. Robert let out a huge sigh and smiled at me. "Okay, I'll take the job." he said. "Excellent! Here write your number on this. This my personal business card with my office, home, and cellphone numbers. I'll give you a call when everything is set." Robert wrote down his number on the notepad Rob gave him. "Thank you so much for the opportunity." "The pleasure is all mine. You're going to do great. You two take care and I'll see again real soon. Goodbye." We shook his hand the final time and he walked away.

Robert and I head out toward the car. "I can't believe Rob Reiner picked me to star in his next movie. Are you sure about me going and doing this?" said Robert. "Babe, I want you to be happy. I don't want you to think me and Akira are holding you back." I replied. "I love you so much. Our lives are about to change. I just know it. Thank you for the support." "You're welcome. I know you would do the same for me. We're a team. I want our daughter to live out her dreams and reflect on how we made it." "The good thing about this is that you guys can come too. I can't wait." "Me neither. I'm proud of you. I love you so much." "I love you more."

***Will this new job offer be a good thing or a bad thing? Vote and comment please. New update soon***

Pushing the Limits (Taking Chances Trilogy) (Robert Downey Jr. Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now