Campus Slut

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*3 weeks later*

I had just entered a new design in for fashion week. Five students will be selected to showcase their design on the runway. I hope to be one of the lucky ones chosen. It guarantees a chance to earn a scholarship to one of the top ranking Fashion school. The winning outfit also will be featured in a spread in Vogue Magazine with the designers name. Two words. Job opportunity. I couldn't wait to find out the results. I pray I have this baby before.

Robert walks in through the door humming to himself. He goes to the refrigerator taking out the carton of orange juice. I just sat there laughing at him as he danced around in the kitchen. He drank the juice straight from the carton. Once he finished he let out a huge burp. "You're so gross!" I said laughing. "I'm a man. If I'm gross so are you." he replied. "How do figure?" "Hello, you're with me." Point taken.

He placed the juice back in the fridge and continued humming. "By the way I have some great news to tell you." he continued. "And that is?" "I have been selected to play the lead...wait for it." Robert comes dancing towards me. He stands in front of me placing his hands behind his head. Like the cops make you do. He then smirked at me started to wine in front of me. He rolled his hips around while winking. I was immediately turned on.

"You playing the lead as a stripper." I replied sarcastically. He frowned at me and I just laughed. "No. I'm going to be Johnny Castle." he said. "No way! From Dirty Dancing! Baby, I'm so proud of you." I reached out my arms for a hug. He knelt down embracing me. "Thanks. I'm nervous because it's been awhile since I've danced." "You're going to do great. I can't wait to see you up on stage struting your stuff. I liked that move you did earlier. Very sexy." "Really? You're not going to get jealous of the actress I'll grinding up against." "No because they only get you for an hour or so. I get you for life." I pressed my lips against his.

The door flew open and in came Emily, Adam, and Lucy. "I'm about two inches away from ending up back in the hospital. I take that back I'm going to put someone in the hospital." complained Emily digging into my fridge. "Do you have any lunch meat?" "Second shelf on the left. Don't you eat my turkey." replied Robert. "You look like a turkey." I saw him drop his job and began to pout. "For your information I'm cat." "A cat with feline A.I.D's." "Blasphemy!" He jump up marched towards her. They began play fighting in the kitchen. Adam, Lucy, and I could stop laughing.

It soon escalated to the livingroom. I quickly got up before they landed on me. Robert had Emily pinned to the couch. Kneed him in the stomach and he fell over on the floor. She got on top off him pinning his arms back. "Ooh, Emily! You're turning me on in this position." joked Robert. "Eww, pervert!" She punched him in the shoulder in got up. "I guess a threesome is out of the question." "Robert!" I snapped laughing.

Robert stood next me holding his stomach. "Help me, I'm wounded." "That's what you get from rough housing." He kissed my cheek and chuckled. "Oh, Robert congradulations on the lead. They just put the flyers up around campus." said Adam. "Thanks." "I'm excited for it. Johnny Castle is the perfect role for you." added Lucy. "I marked my calendar! I'm a huge Dirty Dancing fan." shouted Emily with a mouthful of sandwhich. "Hey, you mentioned putting someone in the hospital. Who was it?" I asked. "Oh yeah, Paris Croft." "Why?" "She going around spreading rumors that she's pregnant by Robert." "What?!" "I found out today from Dwayne. I know it's a lie because she's slept with other dudes. Everyone calls her the 'Campus Slut'." "How far long is she?" asked Robert. "I never asked."

I looked at him and he seemed worried. "Babe, did you use protection?" I asked. "Sadly, no. It all happened so fast. I'm sorry hun." "Don't feel guilty now. For all we know she could be lying." reassured Lucy. "If you want I can talk to her?" " No, don't. I have to handle this." Am I ever going to be happy? All this drama is driving me nuts. I want to live a great life with my husband and child. Paris will prove she's pregnant if it's the last thing I do. I ought to let Emily kick her ass. Good thing she held back from doing it. I hate this!

***Is Paris really pregnant? If yes is the baby Robert's? Vote and comment please. New update soon.***

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