The Beast comes out

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The baby shower was finally over. Rick helped put my gifts away. Emily and I were outside cleaning up. She leaned over to me and whispered, "I guess you and Robbie  patched things up." I smiled at her and shrugged my shoulders. "You could say that. How do you figure?" I replied. "I practically smelled it off him. I know you two did more than 'just' talk." I looked over my shoulder to see if Rick was around. He was inside still. "I hate to break it off with Rick. He's such a sweet guy." "Have you two done it?" "No way! The only person I ever want to make love to is Robert. He makes me feel alive." "I can tell."

We immediately got quiet when Rick came up next to me. "I just finished putting the stuff up. Need some more help?" he said smiling at me. "No. But, we do need to talk." I replied. "I'll finish up out here." added Emily. I knodded my head as Rick and I went inside. "What do you want to talk about?" I hesitated a moment before answering. "Rick, I'm sorry. I've been doing some thinking and I feel its best if we just stay friends." "Did I do something wrong?" "No, I'm just having a hard time right now. I need more of a friend than a boyfriend. I hope you understand."

He turned away from me looking out the back door. I could hear him breathe heavily. "You and Robert are back together." "If I am so what? I'm still married to him." "No, Katy. That's not how this works." He closed the back door locking it. His voice gave me the chills. It's as if I've heard it before. "Once your with me you can never leave." My back was against the wall as he came closer to me. "You stay away from me! Get out of my house!" I shouted. Rick grinned at me and covered my mouth. "Shh, it's okay. I won't hurt you. We're going for a ride now. You scream?" He paused snapping his pocket knife in my face. My eyes bulged out in fear. "I cut that baby right out of you. Let's go." He held my arm as we walked out the front door. He opened the back door of his car and motioned me in. As he drove away I pulled out my phone putting it on vibrate. I sent Emily a quick text. I was shaking so bad. Why is Rick doing this?


My phone went off. It was a text from Katy.

Katy: Emily, please help me! Rick just kidnapped me. Call Robert now! I'm afraid he's going to kill my baby! HURRY PLEASE!

I took off running to my car as I dialed Robert. He didn't answer so I left a message. "Robbie, I need your  help. Rick just took Katy. He's thretening to kill the baby. The fucking psycho! I'll be at your house to pick you up." I hung up the phone and pulled out of the driveway. I seen a car speeding towards me. It rammed into me as I spinned out of control. Glass was everywhere. I layed my head back.

My eyes flickered as I seen a dark image come toward me. Once my vision cleared a little I noticed Rick yanking me out of the car. He dropped me on the ground as I tried to get up away from him. He stepped on my leg which made me scream. I must have hurt it during the crash. Rick picks me up by my hair dragging me towards his car. "HELP!" He dropped my head down hard on the ground. He then kicked me in the head and I passed out.


I sat there crying as he stood over Emily's unconcious body. Please, don't be dead. While he dragged her body towards the car. I texted Robert. Rick comes back getting inside. "I had a feeling she would suspect something. We don't need her running off to tell Robert." he said wiping the blood off his hand. "Why are you doing this?!" I asked yelling in anger. "You'll find out soon." He drove away down the road. I'm feared for Emily. I pray she's okay.

***Will Robert make it in time to save Emily? Did Rick kill her? Vote and comment. New update soon.***

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