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Class was over and was shoving my books into my bag. As I was walking out Paris followed right behind me. "What's your next class?" she asked. "Science." I replied. "I have geography. Pretty lame." "I agree. Never was great in that subject." "Hey, you busy friday?" "I don't know why?" "I'm actually throwing a party at my frat house. I know lame." "You're not lying that is pretty lame. Um, I'm going to check my schedual and I will let you know." "Okay, take care. Robert right?" "Yeah." "Alright, bye." She slowly walked away. I looked at her ass while she walked. I shook my head and turned my head. What is wrong with me? I see Katy walk up to me smiling. I cupped my hands around her face pressing my lips against hers. There my beautiful wife. "Hey, babe how was class?" she asked. "Great. What about you?" I answered. "Tiring. My professor gave us this big lecture on the big test coming up on Monday. This weekend I have to study." "Oh, I got invited to this party on friday. I guess I'll skip it. Help you study." "No, babe you don't have to do that. I trust you can behave yourself." "You sure?" "I'm sure go to the party." "Okay, I love you." "I love you, more. By the way, I have an appointment to go to on Tuesday. It's to see how far long I am." "Awesome. I can't wait to until he or she is born." "Me too. There better be just one baby in here." "Ah, but I want twins." She smacked my arm and I busted out laughing. "You are such a liar. One is enough." "I'm kidding babe. As long as they look like you I'm going to love them forever and ever." "Just like you will me?" "You know it." I kissed her lips once more. "I'd like to stay but, I have a class to get to. I love you." said Katy in between our kiss. "Screw your class. Hell forget mine. I want to hold you and kiss you." I mumbled. "I do too. I promise when we get home I will give you all the love you want." "Promise?" "I promise." "I'm holding you to that." "Shut up. I love you bye." "Bye." I left off to my next class.


I walked into my fashion class and sat down. Lucy comes prancing through the door and plops down next to me almost falling off the stool. "Easy, what's going on?" I asked giggling at him. "Nothing, just excited for fashion class." he replied clapping his hands together. "I wonder what he has in stored for today?" "Hope it's something amazing!" Kidman comes storming in placing his briefcase on the desk. "Take out your books turn to page 356. Read the passages and do the question. Once you've finished that study up on Chapter 23 we will have a test over it on friday." he bellowed as he rummaged through his briefcase. "Any questions?" Everyone stayed quiet. "Get started." What's up with him? He went into his office closing the door. "Damn, that dude woke up on the wrong side of bed today." said Lucy. "I know." I replied. "I was having a good day. THANKS A LOT KIDMAN!" I quickly cupped my hand over his mouth shushing him. Kidman steps out of his room and we all quickly put our heads down working. "Look at all you innocent little angels. Doing your work. Who shouted?" he snapped. Silence. "If you have a fucking problem with the way I run this class then speak up!" We stayed quiet as he walk around the room. "Now, we are quiet. You all had such a big opinion when I'm not in the room. Open your goddamn mouth's and say it to my face!" I stood up from where I was and glared in his direction. "I would appreciate if you stop yelling at the class." I said. All eyes were on me. He sauntered over to me. His expression remained intense almost scary. "I'm the professor of this class. I can do or say whatever I want. I suggest you sit down or I will fail you." "No need to because I quit this class. Whatever your issue is today should never reflect on your students. We have done nothing wrong for you to use such profanity in our presence. Therefore, I for one will not tolerate it." I shoved all my stuff in my bag and shoved past him. "Katy, wait!" I stopped at the door and turned to see Kidman coming towards me. "I'm sorry. Class I apologize for my behavior towards you. I'm having somewhat of a bad day." He turned to face me taking my hand. "You are absolutely right. My attitude shouldn't reflect on you. I'm sorry." I let out a sigh pulling my hand away from his. "I forgive you." I said. "Thank you. Have a seat, please." I slowly walked back to my seat. Lucy gave me a upset look. "Continue to work on the assignment I gave. Tomorrow we will start out fresh." He disappeared into his office once more. "Girl, I am so sorry. I should have told him ot was me." whispered Lucy. "That's what friends do. We stick up for eachother." I assured smiling. "Thank you."

After class, Kidman asked me to stay. I guess he wanted to talk. I sat down as he stared at me. "I really am sorry for what happened earlier. I never expected you to stand up to me." he said leaning back in his chair. "You were being asshole. What's your deal anyway?" I replied. "My girlfriend broke up with me. I can only imagine what you must think. Stupidest excuse in the book right?" "I guess. Still isn't excuse to snap at us like you did earlier." "You are right. It's just really hard trying to hide all those bottled up emotions." "You'll find someone better. There are plenty of fish in the sea." "Sometimes the fish you want is the hardest catch there is out there. No matter how much you try to reel them in. Nothing works." "Always have faith." "You are one remarkable young woman. Aside from being beautiful you are very smart, funny, strong, and above all respectful. Plus, your understanding as well. Always know how to make another person feel better about themselves." "Thank you." He walked over to me taking my hand as he help me stand up. His breath was steady as his eyes gazed into mine. He cupped his right on the side of my face. "I like Katy. Ever since the moment I laid eyes on you. It's like I felt this instant spark. I wish I could just have you." I gulped loudly as I stood there listening to him. This man is falling for me. What in the hell am I going to do?! "Kidman, I appreciate your honesty and I'm very flattered. But, this ain't going to happen. Never. I love my husband and he loves me. I'm carrying his child. He's my life and I'm not going to ruin it." "I understand. I will wait for you. What you two have will never work out and I'm telling you this because I've experienced it. You two are young." "I think we can manage. I appreciate your concern. Another thing these feelings you say you have for me need to go. Even if Robert and I don't work out I could never bring myself to want you. You are my teacher and that's it." "Katy, how can I fight off what the heart feels." "Figure it out. Good bye." I go to walk away from him but, he yanked me back. He crashed his lips onto mine. I tried to shove him away yet, he wouldn't let go. I managed to break free from his lips and screamed. "Mr. Kidman stop!" "I love you, Katy. I want you." He kissed me again he had me pinned against the wall. I punched his arm as hard as I could. "Stop fighting me!" He pushed all his stuff off the desk laying me over it. I tried to scream but, he cupped his hand over my mouth.

Next thing I know Kidman was off me and slammed against the bookshelf. I get up to see Rick beating the crap out of him. He gave him one final punch knocking him out. He walks towards me taking my hand. "Are you okay?" he asked. I was in complete shock and didn't responded. "Come on." I felt his arm around me as he lead me out the room. Once again Rick saves me. I sat down on the bench crying. "I never thought it would go so far." I said. "Who is that guy? Is he your teacher?" "Yeah. My professor for fashion." He knodded his head moved a piece of my hair back behind my ear. I smiled at him squeezing his hand tightly. "Thank you for saving me. I really appreciate it. I knew for sure he was going to rape me." "I'm not going to let that happened. Your my friend." "Yes you are and I owe you big time." "You don't owe me anything. Hearing you say I'm your friend is good enough for me." "Thanks Rick." I smiled at him. He was such a great guy.

***Sorry this chap. is short. I will try and update again soon. Will Katy have a new professor after what happened? Or not? Will that party with Paris lead to disaster? Vote and comment what you think please.***

Pushing the Limits (Taking Chances Trilogy) (Robert Downey Jr. Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now