One Night Stands

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Rick and I went to report Kidman. They had to suspend him from the college until the case is closed and he is convicted. Which they are already in my favor because I hired a good lawyer. The principle allowed me to take the day off. Rick drove me home. I allowed him in just so I can have a friend. I told Robert what happened and he told me he would be home in an hour. "Man, I never thought your teacher would do that to you. Its messed up." said Rick. "Yeah. I mean he loved my work and even featured my dress in a fashion show. I even met my idol. I don't know. Change subject I really don't feel like talking about what happen today." I replied upset. "Okay. How's your pregnancy going?" "How did you know I was pregnant?" "I had a gut feeling. Plus, I overheard your husband talking to his buddy about it." "Oh, its going great. Robert's excited." "I'm happy for you." "Thanks."

The front door open and Robert walked in. He looks over at me and Rick on the couch. His gave us both a funny look. "Hey." greeted Robert sitting down on the recliner in front of us. "I'm going to head off home. If you need anything Katy, hit me up." He handed me a piece of paper. I smiled walking him to the door. "Goes for you to Robert. Don't hesitate in calling. Take care." continued Rick shaking Robert's hand. "Will do." I opened the door giving him a big hug. "Thank you again for earlier." I said smiling. "No problem. Bye." I closed the door and went into the kitchen. "What do you want for dinner, babe?" I asked. "I'm really not hungry." he replied lazily. I glared at him. "What's your problem?" "Nothing." "Do you want a repeat of the penthouse? I suggest you start talking." "What's with you and Rick? You are all hugs and stuff." "He's my friend. If it weren't for him I would have been raped!" "I get the feeling he likes you. Let's be honest Katy." "Robert, please don't start your jealousy crap today! I am not in the mood!" "Whatever. I'm going to go get ready for the party." He went into the bedroom and I shook my head. I can't believe him. I walked into the room with my arms folded against my chest as he was getting ready. "Seriously? After what happened to me today you are still going to that party?!" "Why not? Besides Rick took care of you didn't he?" "What's your fucking problem?! You act like as if you don't give a shit about what's happening to me!" "Well if you stop dressing like a slut. Maybe you won't have any problems with guys coming at you!" I slapped him hard across the face. He just shoved past me grabbing his leather jacket. He left out the door slamming it behind him. I opened the door and yelled, "YOU BASTARD! DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT COMING HOME TONIGHT! DO YOU HEAR ME!" He just kept walking. I began to cry to myself. What the hell is going on with him? How dare he say that shit to me? He better not come back tonight.


I arrived to the party pissed off. All I wanted to do was drink and have a good time. I met up with Paris and we downed quite a few shots. We talked for awhile, drank some beers, and danced. She was a really cool chick. I had to got pee yet, I was stumbling up the stairs. Paris had led me upstairs to her room. I rushed into her bathroom. I finally come out and there she was sitting on her bed cross legged. I go over to her and laid there. I just stared at her as she was texting on her phone. Her sexy blue and hazel eyes met mine. She cracked a smirk across her lips as she laid down. "What?" she asked in that cute mouse like voice she had. It was kind of slurrish from us being past drunk. "Nothing. Your just very sexy when your texting." I answered. She giggled to herself as she smiled. "Why thank you? Your sexy too." I laughed along with her for a moment. We just laid there staring into eachothers eyes. I leaned over to her pressing my lips against hers. As we kissed I felt her soft tanned hands running through my hair. I pushed her white tank shirt off her. Her body was sweet to the taste as glided my tongue down her stomach. I wasn't think at all. My mind was in a daze as Paris and I had sex. I'm too drunk to stop this. She was beautiful and I needed her touch.

I woke up with a massive headache. I looked over to see Paris sound asleep. Oh my God! What did I just do?! I slide out of the bed and got dressed. I left her a note and I quickly got out of the room. As I stepped outside the morning sunlight hit my face. I put my shades on and walked all the way home. I silently tried to enter the house. Katy was passed out on the couch holding a piece of paper in her hand. I took it away and read it. It was the picture of when we got married. I covered my face feeling terrible about what I did. I cheated on her. I said I loved her and I betrayed her. Katy's right. I'm a bastard! I dropped the picture down on the coffee table. I notice she woke up and looked at me. "Did you just get home?" she asked. "Yeah, I got pretty messed up." I replied nervously. "Oh. Babe, we need to talk." "Can it wait until later?" "No, Robert it can't wait. I'm sick of your jealousy. Rick is just a friend. I love you and only you. I'm pregnant with your child. What I want you to do is think about our future." "You think I'm not Katy!" "Then show me Robert. Show me that you care about me and your child. Be honest with me for once in your life." I stood there thinking about last night. My one night stand. I should tell her. "Katy, I have something to tell you." I said. "What is it? Is it bad?" she asked. I debated with myself. My fear was to lose the love of my life. "I had a one night stand with a girl I met in class. Her name is Paris."

***Srry for the late update. How do u think Katy is going to react? Will she forgive him? Vote and comment please. New update soon***

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