Past Things

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I can't help but think back to my freshman year sometimes.

Specifically November 12th.


Well here's a story:

I became very good friends with a boy at my school and I ended up finding out he was gay when I walked into his room to find him and another friend of mine <<cough cough>> kissing. Well a few weeks later we were texting and he told me he had always wanted to wear a dress to school but knew he'd get picked on. That broke my heart to be honest, and I was determined to make this happen.

I made five hundred posters and posted them all around campus one evening a week before this date.

"Dudes in a Dress Day, November 12th"

Everyone took it as a practical joke.

But guess what happened when the 12th rolled around?

Every boy in school was in a dress.

Yes I wore one too, I had to support him.

He ended up running up to me and hugging me a thankful sobbing mess at the end of the day.

And that's the story of how I became very close friends with Morinozuka.

(Yes I was allowed to post this)

Terrifyingly Strange Thoughts of the Cool Type: Part 3 ((closed/finished))Where stories live. Discover now