Bored, With Kyoya

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Once again, I do apologise for not updating my book. I was nose-deep in Macbeth.
As for my day: boring, tedious, dull as always. I saw Tamaki today but I feel rather distant from my good friend. He's hanging out with the other hosts more, which is good. He's getting closer to the Twins and that's fairly refreshing, at least they're not bickering.
    On the other hand.. I've had an overwhelming sense of doom recently. I feel a little distant and as if fear balled up tightly within my chest. Maybe it's stress, maybe something band's going to happen. I don't know and I'm honestly worried. I think my distance has been proving my point today too. I didn't have any real conversations today. Nor did I yesterday - or the day before that. Yesterday and all was good, but what I'm still just going to consider "doom" lingers over my head as if it's the sword.
    But the good thing is I'm still alone and everyone knows how I just adore my alone time. Maybe I'll doodle since I've finished most of my homework, maybe I'll write? Or maybe I'll sleep because we all know how much I do like my sleep as well. Being alone is a casual affair, per say, feeling like you're both free and stuck simultaneously. It's never so bad, the stuck feeling is "homey" now a-days. It's just an old friend making a reappearance now, therefore comforting.
    But I was bored and empty, my world at the moment is tedious, repetitive, and full if day dreams and work for company.

Terrifyingly Strange Thoughts of the Cool Type: Part 3 ((closed/finished))Where stories live. Discover now