A Day, With The Host Club: Sick Day

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I am pretty sure I have he flu. Ugh I feel positively horrific. I have a headache, I have a stomachache, and I feel like the world is spinning every time I stand up. I positively hate missing school, not only will I miss a lot of important information for my classes and it will take forever to catch back up, but I also have to disappoint my clients for today's schedule hosting. We may move it to next Monday but I honestly don't want to disappoint our clients. I feel absolutely terrible.
Tamaki called me immediately upon realising that I was not a at school, but other than him I was left at peace. I was glad someone cared to call and check in. He must have told the other club members that I would not be attending and already let down my clients. I feel bad but Tamaki is a good man for doing all that for me. I don't know his plans on wether the date will be moved or not, but I'm fairly certain Tamaki can handle that on his own. He told me not to stress, so I'll try my best not to.
Meanwhile, I'm home sitting in my room watching Mysteries at the Museum and eating soup. My stomachache makes me feel like I'm starving and I've already eaten an apple, a slice of pizza, and this commoner food Haruhi gave me a while back which he told me to eat but I politely declined. He left them with me anyway and I'm surprised to find that they actually tasted pretty good though I have no idea what it is. A plastic baggy of wafers with peanut butter in them. I don't know. They had the goofy little shapes of peanuts. But the commoner trash in it only upset my stomach further so I regret that heavily.
Not to mention I'm bored. Maybe I should get me some tea, maybe some hot cocoa. Either way there's no one to entertain me and watching the television completely brain dead gets bored after a while. Maybe I should take a nice shower and treat myself, but getting up makes me dizzy and I feel exasperatingly queasy. Ughhh.

Terrifyingly Strange Thoughts of the Cool Type: Part 3 ((closed/finished))Where stories live. Discover now