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Thought I wouldn't be coming back now did yeah? DID yeah? Well I am, just not as much as I used to my important, close friends I've gotten have me on Hangouts and Snapchat since I've recently convinced my parents to get me those. Anywho, homecoming dance! I hung out with Tamaki and holy shit it was great. Mostly. My antidepressants wore out half way through and then I lost him but I found .... a friend.. and we actually did a slow dance together so that was actually cool heh. But anyway then! Then I found Tamaki, and he managed to pump me back up again. Oh but it gets good. Tamaki and I fucking did some kind of TANGO guys. A girl bumped into us to try and dance with me but I apologised and just danced with Tamaki. He has NO BEAT GUYS. ZERO. A hippopotamus wearing rollerblades in an astronaut's suit has better beat than him hahahah! I taught him to dance decently well, it was fun.. Ah it was great actually, we pulled a fucking "Ciel" and "Alois" shit with him acting as Ciel and I as Alois for some odd reason. We did some awesome tango/dance competition?. Lmao. I even did the fucking "Olay" a few times! Hahahaha!

Next dance we want to reenact the whole sword fight scene, that'll be great!

And I promise I'll teach him to dance.

Terrifyingly Strange Thoughts of the Cool Type: Part 3 ((closed/finished))Where stories live. Discover now