Part 44: Suitcase

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Lena's pov

The house was empty. Or so I thought...

I would have been greeted by total darkness if not for the street light outside extending it's brightness through our living room window. When I flipped the light switch open, I was met by Mom's stone cold stare, not blinking, and absolutely not smiling. She was sitting on a corner piece single couch, nursing a bottle of Jack. There was a duffel bag and a suitcase in front of her.

By the looks of her, her hair in a messy bun with her shirt crumpled and blazer thrown over the sofa, my mom was a picture of miserable anger.

And sadness...

Surrounded by all these luggage, I immediately jumped into one possible conclusion. A conclusion that made my heart sunk in a bottomless pit and made me ask myself...

Is Mom gonna leave us now? Is she leaving us, her family, behind and give up?


Kara's pov

"When I tell you to get home before six, you both get home before six!!"

Mom hissed at me and Alex. We both have our heads down as we sat side by side on the couch. Mom was pacing in front of us, one hand on her hip, the other was either motioning in the air or was pressing at her temples.

"Not three and a half hours later!!"

I totally spaced out with Lena earlier and forgot the time. I felt bad forgetting that I, we should get home by six, but what I felt worst about was having Alex wait for me, too. She doesn't want me to get into trouble alone, so instead of going home, she waited for me at Maggie's.

Then when she hadn't heard from me the instant the clock ticked six, she waited in front of the house, so we can go in together and face mom.

"What if something terrible happened to either of you?! Or both of you?! What if some maniac or lunatic took both of you and sold you?! Raped you?! I was sick worried when either of you didn't bother to call and it's getting late... Where had the two of you have been in all of the three hours I waited, huh??!!"

"I'm sorry, Aunt Eliza, I don't have an excuse for my behavior... I'll be sure nothing like this will happen again," Alex said very softly.

"Good, and so noted... But still, you should know I called your mom and told her you're with us. She'll be here tomorrow to set things right with you,"

I was appalled by what mom just said. Alex seemed unsurprised by this, she just kept her head down and didn't say anything at all.

"Mom!... you didn't have to do that! This isn't Alex's fault! I was the one who completely lost track of time, she just waited for me so-- "

"It doesn't matter who lost track of time, Kara, and you don't get to tell me what I have to do," Mom went on, "now, hand me over your phone,"

Another Time, Another Place (SUPERCORP AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora